P4 EE and A64 FX on steroids


Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
Interesting OCing results/benchmarks.

P4 EE is the 1MB L2 cache $1000+ version of the P4 (I cannot find it listed on any site for sale, only the 3.2ghz version for 935$ on newegg). Basicly a Xeon.
The Athlon 64 FX is the 1MB L2 cache $750 verson of the Athlon 64's. Basicly a Opteron for now (will change when they switch to socket 939, they will loose the ECC/Registered memory requirement).
Right now Intel has 3.4ghz out (sort of) and AMD has the FX 53 (2.4ghz) out. They are comparable.

They OCed the P4 to 4ghz.
They OCed the Athlon 64 FX to 2.9ghz (which is basicly a FX 58).
If a FX 58 existed it would compare to a 3.9ghz P4.
P4 EE - Athlon 64 FX
3.2ghz - FX 51 (2.2ghz)
3.4ghz - FX 53 (2.4ghz)
3.6ghz - FX 55 (2.6ghz)
3.8ghz - FX 57 (2.8ghz)
3.9ghz - FX 58 (2.9ghz)
4.0ghz - FX 59 (3.0ghz)

One thing you have to understand is that the performance here is different from what they will perform like in the future since they will be on different sockets and AMD is increasing the Hypertransport while Intel is increasing the FSB as well. Also Athlon 64 FX's (Socket 939) won't need ECC/Registered memory which will increase those scores even more.

Makes me wonder what those proud people who have such 'high' OCs with their P4 are thinking right now when that A64 FX can wipe the floor in games and nearly match the rest with a lower OCing increase and of course a lower clock speed.

That ondie memory controller on the A64 really shines as the CPU increases in speed.