Pacific Earthquake 8.1 richterscale!


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
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I don't have any English source but there has been a 8.1 Richsterscale earthquake in the Pacific ocean, east of the Chijima islands, citizens in eastern parts of Japans have been encouraged to leave their homes immediatly, the tsunami is expected to hit 12:10 GMT according to meterologists(spelling?)

I will update with more info as it appears on the news!
I got some new info, the first was apparently a bit incorrect, the earthquake occured east of the russian owned Kurilerna island group, 11:15 GMT, a tsunami of two meters or more is(Or has) supposed to hit the Japanese island Hokkai in northeastern Japan.
A tsunami warning has also been proclaimed in eastern Russia.

The tsunami was supposed to have hit 4 minutes ago but I haven't received more info about the actual damage yet(Not surprising).
I blame the PS3, its failing in Japan has angered the Gods! D:
Looks like the BBC news website is being slow off the mark, nothing there yet.

The American tsunami warning centre has reported what might be a NEW earthquake 7,8 on the richter scale in the east-northeastern area or Kurilerna(Russia).
I'm not a 100% if it's a new one or an old reading but the news state it as new.
TY MiccyNarc, so we have what's probably 3 different earthquakes all within a few hours hmm.. But it IS tsunamiseason so I guess it's not that surprising..
Tsunamis? The the weather right now here where I am in texas is the windiest i've ever seen it in all the years i've lived here.
40cm? Bah, pussies. I get larger waves when I fart in the bath.
glad this wasn't another big one......its good that they are much better at alerting people about this now......
I must say that it is pretty windy out here in Missouri too. Then again, a storm is comming in, so I balme that.
Is it even POSSIBLE to have a Tsunami "season"?

Tsunamis involve the displacement of water, mainly via earthquake and landslide. Neither of those are seasonal in any way shape or form.
Well, earthquakes occur fairly frequently in/near Japan, that's what I meant, it's not all that rare and in Japan they have earthquake drills in school instead of fire drills in many cases.
But you're right, there's no such thing as earthquake season, sorry.:\
The waves caused about $700,000 USD worth of damage to the docks/boats in Crescent City, not far from where I live.