Packaged Ramen or Cup Ramen: It matters.

Do you prefer Packaged or Cup Ramen Noodles?

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Formerly Hokey McSmokey
Nov 29, 2008
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So recently, I picked up some cup ramen noodles for work, because you can whip them up really fast and get on with your buisness. Anywho, I have now come to realize that it tastes nothing like the stuff that comes in the package. The noodles are smaller/stringier and they don't add enough seasonings. Therefore, packaged ramen is now my ramen of choice. ):<

Which is it for you, cup or packaged?
we used to eat these when my dad lost his job for a short time. they weren't that bad if you cooked them right.
It doesn't matter. I've never had ramen.
Packaged for sure. The cup Ramen things have always just been somewhere between meh and disgusting to me, yet I (used to) eat the packaged sort all the time.
Cup, because Ramen is shit anyway, I might as well save some time.
Cup, because Ramen is shit anyway, I might as well save some time.

God's cup ramen:

my brother's korean friend brought some shin cup noodles round our house. i didn't have any.

never heard of Ramen.
Is cup ramen the same as pot noodle? I had the misfortune to try one of these once when visiting my brother at university and it made me want to die.

HOWEVER, packaged ramen I quite like.
For the packaged ramen guys and gals, do you eat it like a soup (without draining the water), or do you use a colander and drain the water?
Don't drain the water, drink the water. 'Tis half the fun.
I'm all about the packaged ramen although I haven't had to eat it in a long while. I used to do some creative stuff with it back when I was living on my own shortly after high school. Mix it with eggs and hot souce and you got a hell of a meal.
CUP! All the damn way. Just wait until you live on a couple of plates you have to wash everyday.
Nah I drain the water, only because I get full easily and the hot water makes me feel full and I can't eat the noodles.

Which is lame.
I microwave the packaged kind. Just put that shit in a deep enough bowl so the water can cover it (I break it into 4 equal sized blocks, the noodles stay the same size considering how they're twisted), 5.5 minutes and there ya go. Cup can go to hell now.
Ramen is delicious. I prefer cups for convenience but packaged Ramen is the same damn thing.
The hell it is. I've tried the same brand/flavor cup and packaged. The cup is definitely thinner.
It's the same shit. In the cup there is just less of it, and I think a styrofoam cup is less conducive to decently cooked ramen then what you would cook packaged ramen in. Even if it's slightly thinner pasta I don't see how that makes it taste different...

My only complaint about the cups is 1) why bother with freeze dried veggies and 2) i have to make like 3 of them for a meal
Generally speaking I've found that the packaged kind always have a ton more flavors (at least for me, I'm vegetarian). That and the fact that there's more in a single package and in thicker form, has me sold. Also from where I buy them, the cup kind is more expensive, so its less quantity for more $.
For the packaged ramen guys and gals, do you eat it like a soup (without draining the water), or do you use a colander and drain the water?

Drink the water if its just ramen, drain if I'm adding veggies/bacon/meat
So recently, I picked up some cup ramen noodles for work, because you can whip them up really fast and get on with your buisness. Anywho, I have now come to realize that it tastes nothing like the stuff that comes in the package. The noodles are smaller/stringier and they don't add enough seasonings. Therefore, packaged ramen is now my ramen of choice. ):<

Which is it for you, cup or packaged?

Neither, go to a proper Ramen restaurant in Tokyo and the instant variety will taste bitter in your mouth they are so bland and uninspired.

I like Seafood Cup Noodles though, quite filling and relatively tasty for a cup of poor-mans noodle soup.

In Britain we have "pot noodle", a brand of cupped noodles.

*shakes head* I cannot even begin to describe why these are not fit to be called noodles.

The secret is to pour half a bag in the hot water and eat them
while still a little crunchy, or "al dente". Lather. rinse. repeat.
I've never eaten Ramen.

Me Goreng though, good God.
The taste of cup ramen is so much more superior imo. Plus shrimp cup ramen actually has bits of shrimp and veggies.
Packaged ramen does not. The winner is obvious.

The sodium levels of both are astronomical though. Damn preservatives. :|

The secret is to pour half a bag in the hot water and eat them
while still a little crunchy, or "al dente". Lather. rinse. repeat.

Al dente is definitely not "still crunchy."
Sometimes I just open the package and throw the seasoning away and eat the noodles, dry.
Am I weird?