PAIN - New PS3 Title.

They'll charge you for it yet you could recreate it easily in Garrys Mod probably.
Looks quite fun, looks like they took the concept of Jetro Lauha's freeware games and took it a big step further.:)
Is this only on PS3? It looks fun despite it's wierd concept.
looks like the new trend now is phisics in games
Meh... just me or do the collisions look really unsatisfying?

Actually reminded me most of Tony Hawk's Project 8, minus the catapault. You could get some insane air and ragdoll out in places, and it'd measure how much damage you did by hospital bill. Fun times (probably the most fun I had in that game :P).
Looks like it'll get boring after the first two hours.
Looks pretty shitty to be honest. I can't remember the last time I've seen a product so clearly designed to shamelessly appeal to the "teen angst" demographic. This "game" (I use that term loosely ... it's more like a Havok tech demo) reeks of the kind of thing that comes around when a marketing team gets together and tries to think up something cool and edgy. The quotations on the trailer really push it over the top.

There are some actual good games coming out on the PSN though, most notably Little Big Planet and Warhawk. I think that new SOCOM is also a PSN game, but I don't really care about that.
The impacts weren't violent enough...I want to see some ragdolls like in Psi - Ops. When an enemy hit a wall or was slammed against the ground it seemed as if it hurt like a bitch, bodies seemed heavy and the sounds were rough.
Yeah i was hoping to see some bad compound fractures or dismemberment, and without this kiddy style cartoon 1/2 gravity stuff. Like that show scarred x100.
PAIN is a physics based game where you basiclly slingshot your character in order to inflict the maximum pain on yourself.

Actually looks real fun. Sony are switching into gear with their exclusive interesting games.

WTF, its a meqon tech demo with pretty graphics, and they'll charge you for that. Hell just could just mod Flatout to do something similar...