
May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Anyone got into the multiplayer of this? I've heard very good things about it- i.e. old-skool Quakage style play with bh and other movement tricks.. I know the singleplayer is medicore, but with the multiplayer being featured at the CPL, and the fact that it'll have a small, elite community and a near-vertical learning curve makes me want to try this.

Any thoughts?
I've only heard bad things about the multiplayer. Mainly about really bad netcode. I tried multiplayer on the demo, and I have to agree.
Then why the use of it in the CPL?

Confusing, since I heard that as well :|
Painkiller never really interested me and when I tried playing it online I couldn't find a single workable server. Not to mention that the lack of player models got me down.

Meh, I might get its expansion pack... if I'm ever desperate for SP slaughterfests- but I don't see PK DM creating a lasting impression on the gaming community.
I got it for christmas, but after half-life 2 I really couldn't get into it. Singleplayer was just dull and repetitive with bad music, and multi wasn't even working, even after patching.
Painkiller SP was indeed very good. I loved the physics, and ragdolls that you could actually collide with. The physics were so stable!

And I loved how you would NEVER get lag in the game. Instead, the game would go slo-mo, giving more time for physics calculation, and maintaining a high fps :D

Had some scary stuff in it too :x
Like the army base.. I was so scared of the ambient noises.. The radio voices and stuff... Ohh man.

The frozen world in the last level was FREAKING AWESOME too. Coolest idea ever.
Painkillers sp is good. The weopons were really cool. I dont like how the mp works tho. Not my thing.