Paintball! 'Cept with rubber bullets..


Aug 10, 2004
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I have an idea!!::: A Game/Sport that is like paintball, except instead of using lame paintball guns in some lame forest or field, you would use unlame realistic guns in unlame realistic scenarios! Fun for the whole 16 or older family!

Battlegrounds could be like a recreation of some battle in WWII or in Iraq or even a SWAT themed scenario...

Soooo the guns could fire rubber bullets(Or maybe something else) at aboouuut lets say 350-400 fps? Too much/little? And the guns could even be remakes of real ones like Thompsons, Garands, BARs :bounce: Or modern weapons if it were a modern scenario...

If the bullets were too fast it could be dangerous, but too slow and you couldn't hit shit. Maybe something like a rubber bullet that would squish up on impact to reduce damage. AND make a poof of colored dust so you know that you are hit. When youre hit i guess you would be eliminated and youd have to sit down or walk out of the field or something..... This might as well be much more dangerous than what about this being legal/illegal? Do ya think it could happen? Maybe if ya had to wear protective vests or masks?

Obviously it would cost a lot to recreate a town that was fought over in WWII or something but i mean...If ya had a million dollars right? It would be awesome no? This would be way more fun than laser tag or paintball methinks.

And hey it could be like...good for you! Exercise, Education (About the war! I Luv lernin!), Fun fun fun, Bruises all over (Without stained clothes) :rolleyes:

What do you think of this stupid idea of mine? :upstare: Of course theres probably a lot of things you wouldnt be allowed to do, but then again, how much worse are slow rubber bullets than paintballs?
Umm.. airsoft?
edit: Damn you bliink! You beat me too it.
Real rubber bullets have enough energy to break bones and put out eyes.

Paintball and airsoft are about as energetic as you want a game to get.
Unless you want to whip out the real guns and play king of the hill?
ductonius said:
Real rubber bullets have enough energy to break bones and put out eyes.

yeah, rubber bullets would end up killing you if they hit you on the full
wouldnt want one of nem boogers to hit ya in the viewing device.
Hehe, I <3 airsoft... I have a Tokyo Marui H&K G36C (AEG with full-auto, semi-auto, and safety :p). I f^ckin' love showin' it off to my friends, lol. They all say, "Sheit! Can I hold it?" or "Can I shoot it?!" :D
NSPIRE said:
Hehe, I <3 airsoft... I have a Tokyo Marui H&K G36C (AEG with full-auto, semi-auto, and safety :p). I f^ckin' love showin' it off to my friends, lol. They all say, "Sheit! Can I hold it?" or "Can I shoot it?!" :D
I plan on getting one soon. The G36C is teh sexa!
DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT!!!! MY BEAUTIFUL IDEA!!! Curse you airsoft! Nah airsofts cool i guess...but ideas better cuz...WWII! Yaay!
Idonotbelonghere said:
DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT!!!! MY BEAUTIFUL IDEA!!! Curse you airsoft! Nah airsofts cool i guess...but ideas better cuz...WWII! Yaay!
You can get a thompson and a 1911 pistol.
I wasn thinking airsoft when i read this too.
Idonotbelonghere said:
DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT!!!! MY BEAUTIFUL IDEA!!! Curse you airsoft! Nah airsofts cool i guess...but ideas better cuz...WWII! Yaay!

i guess you haven't been to Canadian Tire lately, eh?

They've got those lame transparent plastic airsoft guns, but I expect to see some more serious stuff soon.

check out the BCAC (British Columbia Airsoft Club)

There are a bunch of airsoft dealers in Vancouver and BC, PM me, if you like.
Vigilante said:
Yeah, that's airsoft. I like Paintball more, though.

when i see paintballers, i wonder where they parked their motocross bikes.
:| Are they ever going to release the G36K? Not the C, that one sucks, I hate that see through cartridge. I am lookin' for an AUG too! Or maybe an FNC, I highly doubt they have FNC, do they?
I used to play paintball casually with some friends. It was good fun.
Great thing about airsoft, is it is much more realistic in the sense of weapon design and the dedication of the fans. Instead of going out in dayglo spandex uniforms or whatever like in paintball( I used to love paintball, but those company promoted outfits are lame), most airsoft players go out in full tactical or military gear, from the less hardcore to the truely immersive with everything you can imigine to get the most 'realistic' scenario possible without people dying.

They also have WWII recreations using them too, since they have alot of WWII guns modelled after them.
So much for that idea heh. Im going airsofting soon :sniper: and im looking forward to it alot. Paintballing is also great fun..but not when you don't wear gloves and you get shot on the fingers. :angry: