Paintin/carving stuff into my snowboard? Help Plz


Nov 1, 2004
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Hi, i recently bought a new snowboard. It has a wooden core and is very "bend-able" which is nice for trixing and stuff. Anyway, it has art on it of some kind of mud-golem (like in Diablo 2) which is really awesome, but the problem is that he only covers 3/4 of the snowboard. The top of the snowboard is just plain white which looks really booring :/ I was thinking of putting something there like the numbers "1337" :D I have no idea how to do it, is there any method of carving and painting it onto the snowboard without damaging it?
Don't carve it whatever you do, you'll weaken it severly and ruin it.

The best thing would be to cut out some adhesive vinyl and use that, you could always remove it as well.
Use non-permanent ones, then use permanent to trace.

Just in case you mess up.
Don't carve it whatever you do, you'll weaken it severly and ruin it.

The best thing would be to cut out some adhesive vinyl and use that, you could always remove it as well.

what is "adhesive vinyl" ? Also, i dont know were to get stickers that specificly says "1337" if not impossible to find it. Remember that stickers might come of when it becomes wet due to the snow thawing on it.

What kind of markers should i use? How do i know if its permanent or not? I guess those markers you write on CDs could work well because they are impossible to remove from what i know, but i dont think it will work good against the material the snowboard has.

Thx for the tips, this is going to be tricky
I have stickers on my board, and they've yet to come off.

But honestly, I wouldn't touch my board with a marker of any type... also, listen to Terminator, don't carve anything into the board. Seriously, you'll ruin your board.
I'd stick with using stencils and spray paint.