

Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
Yo yo, havnt posted any of my work for a wile but this is my latest piece...

Its alice in wonder land, its an xmas present i have done for my girl friend. Its basicly a bit representation of all the things that she loves, alice in wonderland, ivy, red (especicly red hair) and just general kinky stuff. I hope she like it, C+C welcome, im expecting alot about the face but its abit late to change the size of the eyes but that is kind of how i wanted them.

Abit drunk atm so just let off any grammer mistakes and such :)

Hope you enjoy the pic.
Yes it's okay... but here are a few tips:

Don't fill in outlines, you're painting not coloring.
I understand the eyes are huge in anime, but they aren't all wierd and slanted. (
Her cheeckbones are way too low.
She's in a situation where the light is ambient, but you make such high contrasts in odd places that she looks like plastic.

Keep up the good work. and remember to keep practicing! That's the most important.
TheSomeone said:
Yes it's okay... but here are a few tips:

Don't fill in outlines, you're painting not coloring.

This isn't somthign that i normal do, but i thought it would work nicly with the style i was going for, and i felt that it would make the piece feel more cartoony.
Aww thts a rele sweet idea! Im sure she'll love it, and i must say tis a pretty cool picture likin the lil flowers!
joule said:
Nice rack.


*Tries to convince every artist in the world to make hawt elf pr0n because there is a huge market consisting of D&D geeks*
Not my thing. Color, chicks face etc. Maybe if it was more of eh Asuka :P
Image is taking absolutely forever to load. I don't know what gives. I left it loading for 30 minutes, and trying to download an equal amount of time. Nothing.

EDIT: NM. Got it to load now.