Pakistan ? Bring back Musharif!?


May 24, 2006
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0 light of current events I am surprised, shocked to hear that Pakistan seems to be on another roller coaster ride to anarchy. Anarchy with nuclear weapons could be very interesting this time, Pakistan could implode in a spectacular orgy of violence and destruction. All thanks to Mr 10% and his cronies willingly handing over part of his country to Taliban insurgents in exchange for militant operations to cease, yeah right.

In Taliban controlled parts of Pakistan, militants(terrorists)have already closed down 300 schools with a number of them being burnt down. They issue death warrants over the radio and dump the bodies of dissidents outside Pakistan police stations to let the authorities know who really is in charge.

i'm packing food in the cellar as we speak.

ok, seriously...the US will immediately send special squads to secure missile silos. or will they?
Backing Musharraf lost the U.S. a lot of credibility, I think.

Radical Islam and Sharia isn't going to go away, but it doesn't need and usually isn't joined at the hip with International Terrorism. Parts of Nigeria decided to adopt Sharia, flogged and stoned criminals for a few years and then decided it wasn't too hot and loosened up a little. Obviously, that wouldn't have happened if they were at war with a superpower.