

Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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If thats how you spell it, anyway. I read the comic by the guy with the initials JC (its about the guy going to jerusalem and shit to see all the riots and to interview the people gettin beaten), and I was actually shocked. I thouhgt Israel was the good guy in the middle east, but well, it seems that they have degraded just as same as the terrorists. Anyone else read this?

oh, and: "Youre a rabbit! Confess! Confess!" :D
When you've got suicide bombers and people who fire rockets into civilian areas on one side and chaps who will happily blow up entire apartment buildings, whether they've got civis in them or not and sell weapons to rather questionable regimes on the other I don't think there is a "Good Guy" in the Palestine problem.
Yeah, our media is about the same degree of fiction.
Your opinion on Israel is based on a...comic?

No. I fully support and endorse the Israeli goverment's actions in the war against terrorism. :borg:

Seriously speaking, my country is prolly the largest exporter of tear gas (Best Gas in the world! Tested through more than 1000 civil disorders!), and Israel is our #1 customer (iirc).

edit: It's a book by the way. Go borrow it or buy it.
A comic by Jesus Christ. That i've gotta see.
Tear Gas- probably the best gas in the world.

Sweden invented the first letter bomb btw.

Anyway, yeah. Israel and Palestine both suck. Along with most countries who do war with each other there isn't a through-and-true "good" and "evil" side. It's almost always a case of one side being the lesser of two evils.
Yeah. I mean, I understand palastine people, because, hey, being one helluva nationalistic sob, if my country was occupied, I'd be out there throwing molotovs at the very least. However, they're bombing innocent people, which I cannot ever condone.
Seriously speaking, my country is prolly the largest exporter of tear gas (Best Gas in the world! Tested through more than 1000 civil disorders!)

Your opinion on Israel is based on a...comic?

to be fair it's more of an autobiographical oomic than your typical guys in tights superhero comic




Numbers I'm genuinely surprised you're reading this sort of stuff ..humanistic counter culture's exactly the sort of thing your political outlook abhors
If thats how you spell it, anyway. I read the comic by the guy with the initials JC (its about the guy going to jerusalem and shit to see all the riots and to interview the people gettin beaten), and I was actually shocked. I thouhgt Israel was the good guy in the middle east, but well, it seems that they have degraded just as same as the terrorists. Anyone else read this?

But its a some unkown person. You can't possibly base an opinion off a comic.
Look up. It's Palestine by famed journalist Joe Sacco, who stayed in the west bank for a few months during the Intifada of the early 1990s and recorded his experiences in comic book form. He visits wide areas of the conflict, interviews people, witnesses attacks and riots, recording everything he sees with an eye for detail, a self-effacing wit and real compassion. And it's very good.

Numbers - you should check out his newer work, Safe Area Goražde.
Tear Gas- probably the best gas in the world.

Sweden invented the first letter bomb btw.

Interesting, I always thought it was credited to Jewish Terrorists during their insurgency in Palestine.
Well I was always under the assumption that George Bush was human, until I came across this small comic strip (I can't remember the name of because it obviously wasn't important enough) and apparently Bush is an alien from the planet Norphrak.

because ya know... comics = pure fact.
Your opinion on Israel is based on a...comic?

I was going to say, that explains everything about Numbers.

But then I found out what this comic was all about (never heard of it before).

To Numbers: I'm glad you're not seeing everything in Black and White.
And in history, there is rarely such a thing as "the good guys".
to be fair it's more of an autobiographical oomic than your typical guys in tights superhero comic


Numbers I'm genuinely surprised you're reading this sort of stuff ..humanistic counter culture's exactly the sort of thing your political outlook abhors

Yeah, well, I had an argument with a friend about the whole middle eastern situation, and he lent me that book. At first, I didn't like it ('cause you know, acceptance of terrorism and all that), then realized that he was actually being neutral.

Look up. It's Palestine by famed journalist Joe Sacco, who stayed in the west bank for a few months during the Intifada of the early 1990s and recorded his experiences in comic book form. He visits wide areas of the conflict, interviews people, witnesses attacks and riots, recording everything he sees with an eye for detail, a self-effacing wit and real compassion. And it's very good.

Numbers - you should check out his newer work, Safe Area Gora?de.

Will do.... as soon as I can find it. Those things are too rare.
Well I was always under the assumption that George Bush was human, until I came across this small comic strip (I can't remember the name of because it obviously wasn't important enough) and apparently Bush is an alien from the planet Norphrak.

because ya know... comics = pure fact.

didnt stop this comic from winning a pulitzer prize in literature ...oh and it's autobiographical
didnt stop this comic from winning a pulitzer prize in literature ...oh and it's autobiographical

Here I am again posting in politics, a truly rare occurrence. I just have to say Maus is an incredible read, do yourself a favor and buy Maus and Maus II.
A recent survey says that something like 63% of American Jews are unhappy with Israel...and Im with them! Israel is like the kid that used to get bullied around, they had a growth spurt and are now being an even bigger asshole giving it back...IMO, the US should cut political ties with Israel...I dont want us to be associated with the next genocide...