Paper Craft, bitches!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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I was seriously disappointed with that other thread, but it gave me an idea for this thread.

Post pictures of your creations (you don't have to have invented it), maybe directions if you want, some origami resources, etc.


Paper Airplanes!
Origami! (I'm totally making that Shuriken after posting this)

Make some cool shit then post the cool shit, you shitheads! Shit!
I have a huge origami book. Used to be a whiz at the stuff. I haven't done any in years, though.

I never did make an elephant, though.
I was a fan of "paper sculpture" for a while. I used to make those geometric paper models that you can hang up for decoration (they weren't very stable though since I used normal paper instead of cardstock). Some people make some really nice paper models of things like boats and buildings. I made a raft and some flowers and angels (yeah, random... was just using diagrams from a book). There's also a genre of winding animated paper models that I never got around to trying. And also pop-up cards....
So the animated models seem a little bit obsessive. But I still think they're kinda neat :o.

As for origami, these used to be my favorite links: <-- This guy makes some cool stuff <-- Huge collection of diagrams

I haven't done origami in a long time. So long that a bunch of the other links I had bookmarked are dead now. :(

Last link:
The best paper airplane in the world?
I think someone posted this link here several years ago. It's a good plane. Good enough that it flies alright when I throw it, even though I suck at throwing paper airplanes.

lol, it's pretty rigid too. Hurts a bit when thrown. I just used printer paper.

EDIT: I'd love to make one of those animated ones, but I do not (even with help of a video) have the know-how or patience for one.
Here's a pattern with instructions for an animated sheep, but all it does is nod its head. I think you just cut and glue the pieces together... the pattern pieces are a little bit confusing though and it would take a while to make.
Aww, I don't want to cut and glue, it has to be all fold or nothing. I could probably figure out a animated thing by gluing it all together, but folding paper and having that animated? That's cool.
First post click the 'Origami!' link, it's like the second vid (for the Shuriken)

Keep in mind that yes, it does hurt when thrown, it depends on how small it is (smaller = more rigid) and how hard you throw it.

I used the long side of a CD case to trace out a square on printer paper.
I made the jumping frog.

The flapping bird had too many steps and they assumed I knew too much in the square base business so I promptly got fed up and wadded up my paper. I need more tard-proof instructions.
68?? Is that it?! What happened to the thousand you promised!
Three billion would do nicely. It means, as of now, that you will have the power to move forward in time.