Paper Maro 2 \o/

Warbie said:
Looks amazing :)


movie: (Mario can fold himself into a paper aeroplane to fly over large drops!!!11)

The original was a fantastic game - if this sequal is half the game it'll be great.

Nintendo are stealing show (just like they do nearly every year :) )

Well they didn't exactly steal it last year they did they? My god,as a self proclaimed nintendo fan last year's E3 was pretty terrible for ninty. That was the reason I was so skeptical about this year's E3 and one of the reasons why I'd begun to lose my faith in nintendo. I reckon it's safe to say I was alot more positive towards them then I had been in recent weeks. For me, this year nintendo have stolen the show already, the Zelda announcement has been the most exciting news I've had in ages. Plus now that I've seen trailers of other games like Mario Tennis(which seems like they've done alot more than a simple graphical update with it, there seems to be some new gameplay modes and so on.) I'm positively psyched about the games to come.

You're right this game does look awesome, and as you say if it's anything like the last one it will definitely be one to watch
That's why I said nearly every year :)

Regardless of whether ppl are into Nintendo games or not, there is no better better games developer out there with as good a track record. They continue to produce quality games on a regualr basis, and have been doing so for years(none of this 'wait 5 years for the next game crap' ;) )

Glad you mentioned Mario Tennis - hope this is a goodun :)