Paramount and Dreamworks HDDVD exclusive.


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
The battle continues.


HD DVD Exclusives:
- Universal
- Paramount
- Dreamworks
- Weinstein
- Studio Canal

- Warner (a few titles are HD DVD only)
- New Line

BluRay Exclusives:
- Fox (all high def releases currently suspended)
- BV/Disney
- MGM (all high def releases currently suspended)
- Columbia/Sony
- Lionsgate

Place your bets now :)
Those recent switches seem to make almost no business sense that I can tell...and I'm trying to figure out why they did it. Even Paramount's press-release is just vague and not all that helpful.

Is there something I'm missing, or are the Paramount execs now wearing money hats?
Probably money hats. This is big business, lots of money is exchanging hands all the time.
Not that it's all Paramount has, but I understand that the Spielberg flicks are NOT included in the exclusive rights arrangement.

Uhh...they did it because someone got the tune of $150M. Not disgusted in the slightest by this...if anyone thinks that the Blu-Ray board didn't pay for it's exclusive studio support in some form or're smoking some good stuff. This is all part of the game that these two groups are playing with your wallet. Don't be angry at these studios, be pissed at the two formats that had an opportunity to bury this hatchet years ago, but didn't. In the end, I hope it ends up being SACD vs DVD-A and both end up burning in hell (although not likely). Call me when they decide a unified format.
Use to dislike blu-ray because hd-dvd looked better, now they are both the same shit. Having both solves a lot of problems.
Same shit, just one is region free, cheaper, and has a far better selection of exlusives.

//biased mode off
Quite honestly I had to look it up just to figure out which one you were talking about. While the exclusives is obviously up for debate, HD-DVD does have those advantages.