Paranormal Activity


Mar 27, 2010
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The film is converted from real life scenario. A happy family, without babies, a camera and ghosts.

You can't watch the film without anyone. Yes you can! But you will be a human that hasn't got a brain. (Brainlessness)

The family is bought a cam and filming the night. They meets demons, ghosts.

At the last, She is killing the man because the ghosts has been in her. And polices came and killing the murderer.

Bad scenario huh?
He's talking about paranormal activity the film.

Haven't seen it, looks pretty scary though...
greatest thread award
it didn't look that huge when I was browsing.

(heh heh)
Was that ran through Google translate or something?

Also, post contains spoilers regarding one of the endings...
I'd shout at you for spoilers if I didn't need to share this with everyone I know. Brilliant.
That was one scary-ass movie. It's like Blair Witch Project without shaky cam and way scarier.
What? PA had absolutely nothing on Blair Witch.
It was boring and stupid.

Blair Witch is superior.
Yeah, Blair was a good movie, but imo, I found Paranormal Activity scarier because I'm afraid of horror having to do with nightmares or the vulnerability of sleeping.
I thought Blair Witch was scarier. For some reason being out in the woods, vulnerable to attack from all directions and unable to see anything in the dark and waking up to find creepy stuff left outside your tent, seemed more frightening.

I can kinda see why someone would find Paranormal Activity scarier. I admit to hiding under the covers to sleep when I was a little kid (although I was more afraid of intruders breaking in and stabbing me, rather than ghosts). That said, Blair Witch managed to creep me out for 2 days and Paranormal Activity didn't creep me out at all (aside from the parts with the girl standing and watching him for hours straight, due to a certain personal experience I had... *shudders*). I watched them both for the first time within a couple of weeks of each other too, so it was a fair comparison.
I found blair witch boring and completely un-frightening tbh. Liked PA tho.
A few friends and I got hammered while watching PA; it was a ****ing blast. That movie is so damn funny when under the influence of a few brews. Aren't they making a sequel?
I hate horror movies because I scare easily, but Blair Witch Project didnt scare me all that much.

Dont want to go see PA though.
I hated both movies. PA moreso because it made me feel uncomfortable in my own house for a few days. I'm such a wuss.

**** yall.
In the begin the film is boring as you say. But near the end the film is going to be crazy. Because the girl has been maniac :D.
Need to rewatch Blair Witch (I went to see it when the hype machine was in overdrive so it was destined for disappointment), but I found PA pretty effective. It's biggest strength is that it plays directly to that sense of paranoia you get after watching something like this or experiencing something vaguely paranormal. Just that sensation of walking around your house at night, and there could be an evil spectre around any corner or behind any door or reflected in any surface (even though you're aware there won't be) - I thought it tapped into that magnificently. That said the plot relied a bit too much on Micah being an insufferable douchebag, but I think the actor portrayed that well enough, whether intentionally or not. :p

On the topic of shakycam horror though, has anyone seen Noroi: the Curse? I found it really enthralling the way it built itself up around a series of clips from variety shows interspersed with footage from the documentary maker, but it got a little silly towards the end when it went full-on Blair Witch. The "true" ending was pretty ****ing horrifying, though...

Oh also, :devil:
I liked both BW and PA but I think PA had a longer lasting effect on me, because the whole idea of this demon could follow you wherever you went, you simply could not escape it and its torments until it claimed you as a victim, that kept me up at night for a week.

BW also creeped me out quite a bit afterwards, especially considering there is a large wood in front of my house, but again its the whole unknown aspect, and the lack of light and weird noises through trees.

I find films scarier when you don't actually know what it is that is doing it, so its left to your imagination, its such an effective means of doing it. I think they are the only two horror films I have seen that have had any effect on me really, most others just throw these horrible beasts at you, boooringgg.
I once had a roommate who sleep-walked/talked. Once I was lying in bed, and it's very possible this was a half-dream, but my roommate got up in the dark (while asleep), walked over to my bed, and stood there for a couple of minutes before going back. Exactly like the girl in PA, except about standing only about a foot away from me. I actually felt paralyzed with fear. My mind was racing with "What do I do? If I move, will that provoke attack?" and all I was physically able to do was lie there hoping I wasn't about to get strangled.

It kinda points to sleep paralysis although as far as I know it happened before I fell asleep, not after. Used to have all kinds of messed up sleeping habits though.
Paranormal Activity was great, I loved that it's a horror movie that isn't just gore.

I'm not overly into horror movies though, so yeah.
At the last, She is killing the man because the ghosts has been in her. And polices came and killing the murderer.

Bad scenario huh?

At what point do the Police come to their house? I've seen the original and alternative endings and never seen this. Are you talking about Paranormal Activity 2?
At what point do the Police come to their house? I've seen the original and alternative endings and never seen this. Are you talking about Paranormal Activity 2?

There are three endings, not just the two on the DVD.

I thought the movie was decent, I definitely like Blair Witch more and also find it a lot more scary. Paranormal Activity was a little too predictable and anticlimactic. My girlfriend (who has the nerves of a 5 year old girl) was reduced to a shrieking, trembling mess by both films though.
At what point do the Police come to their house? I've seen the original and alternative endings and never seen this. Are you talking about Paranormal Activity 2?

I'm almost positive that the police arrive at the very end of the movie.
The police ending is the best one. The theatrical ending? Meh.
So that's a mirror? Just thought it was 2 cribs. I don't know about this one. The first was fresh and a real genuine attempt at something, this one seems like a major cow milker down to the same standing for no reason shit.
So that's a mirror? Just thought it was 2 cribs.

LOL, and two dogs? And two babies in the cribs? Doing the same thing? :p

EDIT: On the other hand I was wondering - is it even possible for the crib to reflect in the mirror at that angle?