Parent on Wii: "gives a false sense of what it's like to compete in the world"


May 5, 2004
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National Public Radio posted a commentary from Kelly McBride, a concerned parent, regarding her children's frequent use of the Wii. Rather than relishing the fact that the new toy has them off the couch and swinging their arms, Kelly worries that her children are equating the game version of the sports with the real-life counterpart; that is to say, the children are gaining "a false sense of what it's like to compete in the world."


video games are supposed to mimic reality now? are kids truely that stupid that they think video game skills will translate into the real world?

listen to her comments here
Last time I checked, competition itself doesn't really change, it's the difficulty of it :p
I'm glad I hear and see so many examples of dumb parents so I can make sure not to be that stupid when I have kids.


What she could worry for is that she spent a lot of money buying them a Wii... but what the hell?
What? Real life is harder?

Jebus, I guess i'd better call tiger woods and cancel our golfing duel.
Actually, this is good news, right? People going on a random killing spree will now suck at aiming, thus creating less (lethal) victims! Or is the logic behind the logic flawed? I think it is.
What an incompetent moron. It worries me that people who say these things are responsible for the well-being of their children.
I guess pushing a button is so much better.

"Omgz tennis is so easy, u just gota push a button!"
Oh shoot, wait a minute! Are they trying to tell me video games may not be an accurate rendition of real life? This is outrageous! I demand someone to sue! I deserve money for this travesty!
Ugh, I know what she means! I had a hell of a time trying to pick the locks of the nice-looking houses in my neighborhood after playing Oblivion. Skeleton key my ass!!

I can fly an f-18 despite never seeing one up close ..also I'm an expert with an abrams tank, various latino lowriders, dune buggies, APCs, giant mechs, saber toothed tigers and as soon as Age of Conan comes out a Wooly mammoth
Well, when I get my XBOX 360, I'll know that all it takes to be the best of the best in a counter terrorism unit, is to press L2 to press against a wall or barricade(wood and thin aluminum easily stop bullets), look out behind me without turning my head to get a target of a hostile, and press the R2 button to fire and kill them.

Easy as pie.
I'm pro at making money by jumping and bashing my fist against the ceiling and various floating blocks. If I'm not careful I'll kill the people in the apartment above me though.
I can take a direct hit from a shotgun at point blank range and survive having an explosive arrow stuck in my face and sit for a minute and shake it off like it was nothing. Plus, steroids are awesome.
.... so do we laugh, or cry?

Her argument shoots itself right in the foot - it's a video games console. Fabricated entertainment for various environments and situations.
if that woman wants to teach the kid how to compete in the world then why she dont send her kid to work in the carbon mines?

or make a reality check?