Paris Hilton Humiliated Again

Sep 28, 2003
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1. Paris Hilton records an album (?!?!).
2. Album is distributed to HMV stores all over the UK.
3. Infamous graffiti artist Banksy replaces 500 of the CDs with his own remixes, including classics like "What am I for?" and "Why am I famous?".
4. He also replaces the CD sleeves, depicting a topless Paris Hilton with a dog's head.
5. He leaves the barcodes intact, so people buy unsuspectingly.

This is the best part:

A spokesman for HMV said the chain had recovered seven CDs from two Brighton shops but was unaware that other locations were affected.

No customers had complained or returned a doctored version, he said.

"Often people might have a view on something but feel they can't always express it, but it's down to the likes of Banksy to say often what people think about things.

"And it might be that there will be some people who agree with his views on the Paris Hilton album."
Banksy sounds like a cool guy. He should come to Wales \o/
That's hilarious... I can't think of anything more to say on the matter.
An oppertunity to own a Banksy original, and all you have to do is buy a Paris Hilton CD. I honestly don't think I can bring myself to do that.

Banksy ****ing owns.
Paris Hilton is a perpetual humiliation machine. It is technically impossible for her to be humiliated again, as that would imply a break in her constant humiliation.

Edit: Also, if anyone can find a rip of Banksy's version, I would be eternally greatful.

Edit 2: And Banksy owns.
I saw an episode of "The Simple Life" that damned how with Paris Hilton and her sister or something. Anyway, Paris was baby-sitting some baby, and she went to a cafe. Sitting outside, well, she goes inside talks to someone, sits at a table inside and does a crossword. Well, some dude sat next to the baby, just watched her..laughing.

"Well, time to go to mommy." and takes the baby back.

"I love spending time with your kid, but I gotta go..."
"Ohh...OMG...yeah, well, you looked like you were having so much fun...."
Well, as long as he doesn't get sued.