Paris Hilton is released from jail!

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Hooray. The world is now a better place for having such a fine young and talented woman set free.
Don't worry, she will do something stupid and get back in again before she turns 30. :)
Now now gentlemen. We should all give our best wishes to prisoner #9818783 and hope that she's learned her lesson.
who is this paris hilton you speak of?
Time to see if she'll hold up her end of the deal with good behavior.

The sad thing is that just by paying attention to shit like this it gets her what she wants, more mullar.
Paris Hilton had good behaviour during her imprisonment.

"Good behavior" :naughty:
meanwhile ....

"In the northern oil city of Baiji Iraq, 27 people including 13 policemen were killed when a suicide bomber rammed a fuel tanker into protective walls outside a police headquarters, police said. They said 62 people were wounded."

"At least five people were killed on 25 June when security forces opened fire on a crowd waiting for food aid in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu"

" Fatalities and suspects have piled up quickly since then, in incidents ranging from a grenade attack on a Nairobi bar that killed five, to beheadings with machetes, the discovery of severed heads and genitals, and bloody police retaliation."

in other words who the **** cares about skanky mcskank anyways? why is she news?

That made me lol as soon as I read it. :laugh:
wrong, I wouldnt have released her .... /me sharpens deboning knife
in other words who the **** cares about skanky mcskank anyways? why is she news?

Popularity = Sales/Ratings.

Skanky McSkank sells papers and scores ratings unfortunately.

Meanwhile tv shows like The Wire go unnoticed and unwatched by most of the tv watching population.

For shame t.v. viewers. For shame.

is that a movie?


sparta: yup it's a crime when more viewers watch the bachelor over the Power of Nightmares ..I use that example because I remember seeing the ratings for the week that the documentary the Power of Nightmares aired on canadian tv and it was not even in the top 25 I recall most of the stuff on tv that week was reruns as it was summer
It would be so awesome if her bones turned into razor blades.
I wish just one judge would not give famous people "special" treatment. Just one time lock someone famous up just like you would a regular person.
Oh well, let her get out. Natural Selection will take it's course sooner or later.
I wish just one judge would not give famous people "special" treatment. Just one time lock someone famous up just like you would a regular person.

Well she was released from prison early but one judge said "no, go back inside you bitch" and in back she went. Not for her full sentence but still.
Oh well, let her get out. Natural Selection will take it's course sooner or later.

Exactly, sooner or later some redneck is going to come up to her and ask, politely of course, "GEMME ONE DEM DER THANGS YA GAYVE DAT DER ONE GUY, YOU KNOW, WERE YA POOT YER MAF ON MY DICK!"

Ahh, the joys of making fun of rednecks. :D
She is scheduled to appear on Larry King's CNN talk show on Wednesday.


The network has said she will not be paid for her appearance, which has replaced a planned interview with filmmaker Michael Moore.

Lesser of two evils, I suppose...
lesser of two evils? Moore was promoting his film on the state of healthcare in the US think Hilton is more news worthy? come on lets not be completely rediculous here

Lesser of two evils, I suppose...

One person has something semi-intelligent to say...

One can't spell the word, 'intelligent'

You decide which is better on TV.
But what if you want to go to a fancy hotel in the capital of France?
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