Partition capacity.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
I have a partition on my hard drive, this one is 20 gigs.

I cleared all files out of it, and its showing 15 gigs free, 5 gigs used, 20 gigs total.

What could possibly be taking up 5 gigs? There are no files on the drive, no disk errors. The recycling bin space is set to 1%. 1% of 20 gigs is not 5 gigs.

It's frusterating me, cause its like i'm robbed of 1/4th of that partition.

EDIT: NM. please delete this thread mods. I was stupid and had my page file set that high. Vegeta was the one that helped me. Thanks dude!

And please delete this thread, mods, unless you wish to use my thread for an example of idiocy.
Heheh. If I knew you were crazy enough to set the pagefile that high I would have told you that right out.
vegeta897 said:
Heheh. If I knew you were crazy enough to set the pagefile that high I would have told you that right out.

Well, I dunno... I guess i figured higher to be better, I didn't know about pagefiles too much.

That drive, for some odd reason, was set at 4 gigs min, 4 gigs max. the others were like 1 gig min, 4 gigs max.
Raziaar said:
Well, I dunno... I guess i figured higher to be better, I didn't know about pagefiles too much.

That drive, for some odd reason, was set at 4 gigs min, 4 gigs max. the others were like 1 gig min, 4 gigs max.

just let windows manage PF, higher doesn't necessarily mean better. But we will keep this thread for training purposes. :P