Patent filing is expensive


Chuck Steak
May 18, 2004
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So I can up with an idea I'd like to try to market to a larger company. Unfortunately, it would cost me over $3000 just to file for the patent. Even then, it's not a surefire bet that the patent would make it through the process, or if it does, that the company would want to license or buy my idea. So much for the little guys.
what's the idea?

come on, tell us.

i said COME ON asshole!!!
haha, i know you're lying you son of a bitch.

i like it.
I'll write you up a patent for $1000. $300 more for technical drawings (you still have to pay your own filing fees). If you are interested I can send you an NDA.
Sunglasses with, get this, blinds on them instead of lenses!! I could make hundreds!

Yo Sedako you've got a great idea and all and I'm happy for you ...
I think he means these kinds of blinds:
I think he was joking about the sunglasses.
But keep in mind that the value of an idea is very small. If all you have is an idea, you have done less than 1% of the work of creating a product. You still have to create a detailed and specific design and manufacturing process. Not just "this is metal, this is plastic", but specify the exact polymer or steel composition of the raw material. Heat treatment, how it is shaped, machined? forged? extruded? An exact design includes all of the dimensions and tolerances. Any fasteners? Special materials might need specific suppliers. Once you have that, and you build a prototype and you have some estimates of how much it will cost to produce how many of your product, then you start shopping it around to manufacturers (or start looking for factories in China). Your design will probably have to undergo several revisions and trial runs to make sure the manufacturing process is dialed. Then you get a batch of parts produced, shipped to the USA for assembly, and eventually sold to retailers. Oh, but the gas pedal sticks, so you have to recall all of them. Oops.
I was talking to Dan.

But I guess he knew too.

Anyway, ITT Dan crushes all hopes and dreams.
i have this dream of creating a line of hamster clothes...i know it sounds crazy but there are a shit ton of hamsters in the world, all of which would enjoy wearing hamster jeans or hamster ear muffs.

that's my 1%.
Just don't end up like the guy who invented Bullet Ball ;(
I've got this idea for a series of tubes that connect together, and allow you to send information from one end of the tube to the other at light speed. I think I'll call it a Lighternet or... Intertubes or something, haven't worked out all the details but still...
How about a razor blade that has two blades instead of just one?
I just had an awesome idea. A razor blade with three blades instead of just two!
My new idea is a razor blade with four blades instead of just three!

Man, I just got back from the manufacturer, and there was a mistake with my 3blade razor. It had five blades on it! Why didn't I think of this before?!

/thoroughly killed the joke.
Man, I just got back from the manufacturer, and there was a mistake with my 3blade razor. It had five blades on it! Why didn't I think of this before?!

/thoroughly killed the joke.
Yeah don't be ridiculous, 5 blades is overkill.
It's hard to comment without knowing the nature of your idea. :P

Patents for most things are pretty much useless anyway. Unless we're talking medication here or something!

(Wired magazine had an article recently about pretty much everything Dan was talking about... was fairly interesting, but it certainly sounds easier than it really is.)
My idea is pretty much a modification of an existing product to add more functionality, I was actually surprised it hadn't been thought of yet.