pay inequity in iraq


May 5, 2004
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There are around 20,000 contract workers working on rebuilding iraq. Big corporations in Iraq are hiring security staff that are usually made up of mercenaries and ex service men. Some of these mercenaries saw action in South africa during apartied as armed thugs for the government. The pay scale for a one year contract for some of these security mercenaries can be between $90 K to $150K. The large corporations are starting to hire more and more iraqis as part of their security detail but they are usually at the front lines protecting gas stations and truck for them is the equivelant of $4 a day, a starvation wage in iraq. I guess once again some big business see's iraqis as "expendable"
It's not because they're Iraqis, it's because they're foreigners.
Just like major businesses outsourcing in order to save money. You can look at it in different lights. You can have the Govt. step in, and suspend the freedom of us controlling our businesses the way we want as American citizens(they've suspended enough freedoms already), which will also help the economy because it opens more jobs for Americans who pay taxes. Or you can allow it to go on, albeit wrong but that's the way things work in the free society. You give an inch and people take a mile. Which also if the Govt. steps in and says something those Iraqis won't get any jobs and will get no money. So it's really a bad situation.
Yes I believe She mean't anybody outside the U.S. is a foreigner.
Businesses are always outsourcing for cheap labour. Yes it's disgusting and completely immoral, but that's the way business works. Governments should really introduce laws to eliminate this kind of exploitation.
what's most important here is that they are outsourcing the most dangerous jobs to iraqis for below starvation example: an iraqi police officer in the employ of Unocal (guarding a local gasstation in baghdad) makes 6000 dinars a month...a basket of apples costs 2400 dinars.
Shadowlands5325 said:
Yes I believe She mean't anybody outside the U.S. is a foreigner.

I dont think Ghost Valkyrie is a female...I could be wrong..sorry if I am
Shadowlands5325 said:
Yes I believe She mean't anybody outside the U.S. is a foreigner.

Yes, she did. /sarcasm(No, I'm not female. I don't know where you got that idea.)
I was simply telling Capt.Stern they weren't being treated that way because they're Iraqis, but because they're foreigners outside of our borders. Just like the sweat shops in Malaysia, and other countries. It's outsourcing. But if you have the Govt. regulate that business, prepare for other businesses to suffer, including the smallest ones. I myself would love to see it put to a stop because it's wrong. But once again, we're giving up more freedoms. Are you going to tell the Govt. they can run your business, and expect them to not take it a step further?
but I dont understand why you dont see the irony of the situation...the oil companies are the foreigners here...they helped destroy the country and are now repeaing the rewards of lucrative contracts yet exploiting the people they said that they were there helping
Who said I don't see the irony of it? I don't see why I should repeat the exact same thing you said in order to get your point.

I was addressing WHY they're being paid so little, not the irony. I try to be more up front about my posts, rather than having a quiet point or silent aside.
Anywhere reputible we can read up on the subject? Or just the gospel from random people on the internet. :D
Argghh...Realmedia. Guess I won't get to listen to it anytime soon.
Mr-Fusion said:
Businesses are always outsourcing for cheap labour. Yes it's disgusting and completely immoral, but that's the way business works. Governments should really introduce laws to eliminate this kind of exploitation.

It will stop when

1. The government, as Ghost describes it, takes away liberties which people in developed countries adore.


2. The rest of the world develops up to the same level as the 1st world

2 will happen eventually...unless the world blows up. 1 could happen in the future, but i'd rather it didnt. I instead would like to see the governments of countries which these businesses exploit do something about it. But they are too underdeveloped to have any sort of effect.
Farrowlesparrow said:
2. The rest of the world develops up to the same level as the 1st world

2 will happen eventually...unless the world blows up. 1 could happen in the future, but i'd rather it didnt. I instead would like to see the governments of countries which these businesses exploit do something about it. But they are too underdeveloped to have any sort of effect.

this cant happen...the first world already accounts for 85% of the world's resources...15% of the worlds population uses up 85% of the world's resources, could you imagine what would happen if everybody consumed at that level? We'd deplete our resources in a matter of years.

In order for the poor to have a better life, we the rich need to cut our own standards of living to create a balance. We need to stop consuming at the level we more SUV's no more gas guzzling monstrosities, no more extreme consumerism, where we buy far more than we need. It's not going to happen...if anything it's leading towards just the opposite.
I didnt necessarily mean everyone lives in New York.

Perhaps what i said was wrong, but what i meant is where the countries get to a point where they can basically say no. I never said how that would happen, i simply said it would happen. I didnt say we wouldnt have to stop the extreme consumerism and all the other stuff you mention.

I remember reading somewhere...i think it was new scientist where it said that the amount of resources Americans use, it would take an extra four earths to supply the world if we were all on that level. An extra 2 earths if everyone was on the level of Europe and i think it said something a fraction of an earth if we all lived like developing countries.
sorry I didnt mean to imply that what you said wasnt feasible

that 4 earth thingy is a great analogy, good find
Oh cruddler. Another damned if you do damned if you don't situation.

I can't forsee the first world sacrificing their material possessions any time soon to create a level of equilibrium in the world. Ok, enough of this holistic futuristic viewpoint for a second.

Just look at the facts (even if this case isn't true it does happen in other parts of the world)

-Those Iraqi guards should be payed a lot more money.
-They get more money they can buy more things.
-In their purhcases they buy goods and services which stimulates the countries GDP.

It's a flow on effect. Lets not try and place blame on Iraqis for not standing up. "We've" just invaded and brought anarchy to their country, the least "we" could do is pay them a decent amount of money to get the ball rolling again.