PC > Console


Oct 10, 2004
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I never really realized how ****ty the consoles really were. I expected the PS2 to have 128MB GFX card and the Xbox 256MB. Gamecube was expected to be ****ty, though. Although the console can be fun when you don't want to upgrade you PC every other month, easy to get online, and nice controller, they're really not that powerful. Here's the specifications on Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube. I know that I also need to realize that these consoles are sold for under $300 when brand new, so of course they're not going to be monsters; but if the companies spent more money on the hardware for the consoles and still kept the prices the same, they'd sell much better. They could spend more money on each one, and make up the money+profit through games. If the console had good enough graphics, and nice games, it wouldn't matter. They'd still make a profit. I understand the graphics are so good because it has no other processes running, such as Windows, but it's still is quite amazing.
Ya but consoles dont have to run other programs in the background like pcs do and keep it all in memory at the same time. I guess also because all the hardware is the same for the one console it is much easier for developers to optimize for it. The ps2 just cant compete with the xbox though now, the xbox is far more advanced. Most people couldnt tell the difference between the ps2 and the xbox a couple years ago but now the difference is clear just buy looking at screen shots. xbox is just now starting to fall behind the computer in graphics
No i guess I didnt but you dont have to be so rude.
Wasn't meant to come out rude at all, my apologies. (Not sarcastic)
oh ok. Ill read whole post next time. It just when there is a link at the front of the post usually I go to that first and then forget to read the rest.
Specs mean nothing, it's all about playability and good game design.

Seriously, who gives a crap what gfx card a GC has when we get games like Metroid Prime (which look gorgeous). What about Ico (on the PS2) - it's one of the most beautiful games i've ever played. The list goes on and on.

How many shaders a game supports, or how many polygons are flying about, means sod all compared to good art direction (an area where the pc has been particularly stale recently :/) I'd take Viewtiful Joe or Rez over Doom 3 anyday.

Like it or not - consoles are where you find the highest quality, innovative and creative games.

(I'm not saying there aren't some great pc games btw They are few and far between, though. imo)
There are very few great games, on both the PC and console. Neither platform is better than the other, just different. I've played some truly great games on the console, and I've played some truly great games on the PC. Consoles games go through a very rigorous testing phase as well. The games must pass a rather strict inspection. You're really not going to get the variety of bugs that often crop up in PC titles on a console. On the PC you get varying levels of quality (almost all of which are beneath the consoles standards) because it isn't regulated in the same fashion. However, it also happens to be much more difficult to develop on a PC because it, unlike a console, was not created with games in mind. You also have to deal with a huge combination of hardware configurations that make testing a real bitch.

Anyways, you'll find great games on both platforms :)
Warbie said:
Specs mean nothing, it's all about playability and good game design.

Seriously, who gives a crap what gfx card a GC has when we get games like Metroid Prime (which look gorgeous). What about Ico (on the PS2) - it's one of the most beautiful games i've ever played. The list goes on and on.

How many shaders a game supports, or how many polygons are flying about, means sod all compared to good art direction (an area where the pc has been particularly stale recently :/) I'd take Viewtiful Joe or Rez over Doom 3 anyday.

Like it or not - consoles are where you find the highest quality, innovative and creative games.

(I'm not saying there aren't some great pc games btw They are few and far between, though. imo)

Ya gameplay is the most important aspect of gaming. But I have known people that decided not to play vice city just because the graphics sucked.
You do realise when the XBOX was released PC high end was a geforce 3.

Now the PS2 was early than even that so at their time of release they could graphically kick a pc in the balls, but now as they near the end of their life the PC has easily surpassed them but soon the new machines will be out and it will start all over again.