PC Game/Hardware Magazines


Jun 6, 2004
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Out of curiosity, I wanted to know does anyone on these forums ever buy PC magazines out of boredom? I find myself often picking up a copy of Maximum PC when I go to the grocery store. I know I could probably find most of the information from the magazines on the web but I just like taking a break from reading my monitor. I enjoy reading them. I was just wondering if this is naive, cause I mean if only little kids buy computer magazines maybe I should stop. :eek:
used to buy PC Gamer (UK) religiously but have kinda stopped - too few games im excited about trying or reading about to be honest.

Now i just spend more on music magazines instead
There are some PC mags at the school library that I read occasionally but they're all at least two months old (if you're lucky).
I'm an abonnee on PC Gameplay (Belgium), DVD version :)
I prefer GameAllies over GameAxis.

No, I don't usually buy gaming magazines.
PC Gamer UK for me, reading it right now!