PC Gamer First Review : F.E.A.R.


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Just received my latest issue of PC Gamer in the mail today, with F.E.A.R. sporting the front cover and first review.

F.E.A.R., unsurprisingly, managed to snag an Editor's Choice Award with a final rating of 92%!

HIGHS: Kinetic destruction in combat; propulsive narrative; genuinely creepy; movie-quality audio

LOWS: A bit too derivative of some key influences; surprisingly conventional plot

BOTTOM LINE: A highly entertaining shooter that makes good on its high concept.

Discuss, as well as post any reviews.

edits: lol @ Space Pirates' 5%.
f*ckin a! can't wait to get this game, it certainly can't come soon enough... i kinda expected the derivative part, but the conventional plot? oh well
Sounds like a game worth getting after all.
what did they say about multiplayer or is there any???
john3571000 said:
what did they say about multiplayer or is there any???
there is, the beta was nothing to shout about... but this game is more focused oin the singleplayer, which is what i'm getting it for
Murray said:
Sounds like a game worth getting after all.

agreed, is FEAR's MP as cool as the sp ? I just want to know more info in this sector.
FEAR's MP beta was incredibly lame in comparison to the single-player demo
Ye looks cool, although it seems it might get a bit repetitive.
Alan Freeman said:
I hope people don't write it that way in real life.
I got an A when I wrote it down on my English test!
really? cuz the north american version reads like a car brochure ...I dont know what it is with video game magazines, they're either annoyingly fanboyish or extremely kiss-ass-ish

bought the last issue of pc gamer ..I read through the magazine in one sitting (literally, I was sitting on the toilet ..doing a number 2)

isnt there like a thinking man's gaming/pc magazine?

I'll wait for the real reviews to come in
isnt there like a thinking man's gaming/pc magazine?

PC Gamer UK, I believe. :p

Or Edge, if your definition of 'thinking man' is 'pretentious, snobbish and randomly strict'.
Pft, Edge isn't snobbish, it's the wine drinking artisan to the lager drinking pub bloke that is PC Gamer UK. Some of the reviews are strict, but I honestly like a differing opinion or review compared to the ass-kissing of PC Gamer and Zone.

Plus, it has some awesome features in it :D
If snobbish means well written articles/reviews/previews/interviews, then yeh, I prefer the 'snobbish' Edge magasine :)

PC gamer/gameplay/format etc tends to give anything with half decent gameplay and pretty gfx a whopping 90%+
PC gamer/gameplay/format etc tends to give anything with half decent gameplay and pretty gfx a whopping 90%+

Are we reading the same PC Gamer? I agree with the other two...but not PCG. I have never, ever bought a game that they gave 90+ and not agreed with the score. I didn't read Edge and think 'christ, this is so much better than any other magazine I've read' - it is good, but so's PCG. Besides, whose ass can they kiss? It's a PC. Everything's third platform. o_O

Re-reading a copy of Edge. A newer issue that I don't remember ever buying. I retract my statements, but I still think some of their reviews are a little off. The two issues I have: Mace Griffin did not deserve seven out of ten. Vice City deserved rather more, and they criticised it not for it's problems, but for the things it hadn't done - things no other game had done either.

Anyway. Silly me, Edge is pretty good, but I will refuse to buy it because I only use two of the formats they cover. :upstare:
well the problem as I see is it that, being canadian I dont have access to PCgamer UK or the Edge ..so you guys arent exactly helping :E

...unless that is you'd like to forward copies of said magazines ....no sticky pages please :O
Sulkdodds said:
PC Gamer UK, I believe. :p

Or Edge, if your definition of 'thinking man' is 'pretentious, snobbish and randomly strict'.
Edge is overly strict. Seems like nothing gets above an 8 by their ratings.
Awesome, a game to play after Day of Defeat: Source, Lost Coast, and HL2: Aftermath!
Vigilante said:
Edge is overly strict. Seems like nothing gets above an 8 by their ratings.
I've never read Edge, but is that really a bad thing? A 9 or 10 should really mean something. If 10 is taken to mean one of the best games of all time (as it should), then there should only be at most a few 9s a year.