PC Gamer podcast anyone?


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Anyone listen to PC gamer's awesome podcast? Lots of awesome things dicussed such as 2142 ads, comparison of VG industry to TV/movies, the apparent "all star" cast of C&C 3, online distribution vs retail etc etc. it's really just a blast and very well done. A true gaming radio show. I was impresed at the incite provided and the bold statements made against EA by a particular british editor, really got a kick out of that.
I would but I look through what they're going to discuss and I've already read about everything. :x
they mentioned an unannounced shooter that's supposed to be revealed in their christmas issue ..I wonder if it's mass effect
Someone who has listened to it wana post the C&C goss on cncnation for me :)

In Uni right now and no speakers on here

In regards to CNC basically what was said, is that the cutscenes will once again be live action and include some B list celebs for our enjoyment :).
Lol, meh no worries then :P

Wish PCGUK would do a Podcast though :/