PC Gamer US Scores Half-Life 2 at 98%

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
So, the best score yet for Half-Life 2 rolls in and everybody couldn't be higher. What with CS:Source being released tonight (a review will follow shortly), it seems as though everything is falling together. Not to mention of course that CS:Source is very good. There are already thousands of people that have purchased Half-Life 2 this evening and not a single one of them is likely to be disappointed. IokesI over at the Gamespot Forums has received his copy of PC Gamer US today and they have scored Half-Life 2 a whopping 98%, bringing the average total of the print reviews up to an amazing 95.4%. Here's his forum post:
Just got my copy:[br]
Rating: 98 percent![br]
Pros - "Everything: Graphics, plot, gameplay. Its what experts have been predicting for this medium"[br]
Lows - "Squadmates sometimes get in your way; low res textures in huge outdoor scenes" [br]
"Valve has forged the framework for the next generation of games, demonstrating what our medium can and should be able to accompolish"[br]
"An exhilarating entertainment that can emotionally move you one moment, kick ******* the next, and keep you immersed the whole time."
[br]So, what are you waiting for? Want to play this amazing game as soon as it's released? Want to play CS:Source right now? Log on to Steam and purchase, we're in for some good times.

Update: Jess Cliffe of Valve Software has confirmed this information to be true in this post.

On gamespot, they are still waiting for confirmation
Nice at all.

What is VU waiting for ?
test said:
On gamespot, they are still waiting for confirmation
Yes, really, read the update in the news post :)
OMG 98% that amazing..
AARGH.. why can't i buy it on steam without a creditcard.. i wanna play CS:S :'(
I would have never expected something like this. US PC Gamer overrates games, but a 98% is truly amazing. Holy shit
Squadmates sometimes get in your way...

WEWT! Strangely enough, no surprise there. Ahh the evils of AI. Never believe what your mind/others tells you before the game's out and played, AI will never be perfect.

Nonetheless, it WILL be an awesome game. GET THAT FRIKN THING OUT! :E
Squad gets in your way and low-res textures in outdoor areas. :|

In other words, HL2 is perfect (since they needed something to put in Con).

BRING ON THE PAIN BIOTCHES! :bounce: :thumbs: :farmer: :E :rolling: :bonce: :upstare: :rolleyes: :imu:
holy lord

THANK YOU VALVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kingdomlost.net is thankful :D
I'm also wary of reviews, since they said DOOM 3 was "the best FPS ever made" and it sucked ass, IMHO.

I've noticed that many of these reviews are using the fact that the AI gets in your way occasionally as the main 'con'. The game is obviously so polished that they're really struggling to find something bad about it. (Well, that or the problem is a real annoyance... but with scores like 98%, I really don't think so).
Yeah - if the A.I. was really "bad" so to say - it would not be getting anything over 95. I'm guessing it looks less polished than the rest of the game.

BTW - what did PC Gamer US give RTW?

Chris_D said:
Yes, really, read the update in the news post :)

Now I still have my personal race to watch: What will arrive sooner: HL2 or the x800 XT PE that I ordered 3 months ago so I can actually play the damn game...
on a second thought, how can any game be 2% away from being perfect?

they are overrating the game a bit I think. It's cool and all but remember it's about 19/20 hours long. Also remember how they overrated doom 3
I agree, the 'con's sound like minor things they put down just because they need to put down minors. And honestly, maybe this is just me looking at this from an optimistic perspective, but I like that there are some times when AI gets in the way, because honestly, these people aren't trained, in real life they'd get in the way just out of inexperience.

But also, Doom 3 sucked in my opinion, and it was glorified from almost every reviewer, so whatever. I couldn't ask for a better review score then 98%, honestly. 100% is just dumb to even consider, they won't give it that no matter how great it is.
rrm said:
on a second thought, how can any game be 2% away from being perfect?

they are overrating the game a bit I think. It's cool and all but remember it's about 19/20 hours long. Also remember how they overrated doom 3

They actually realized DOOM3 was bad, so they had to rate much HL2 higher. ;)
PCg suxx i mean thats impossible to rate an FPS like that cuz it will be always be the same POINT AND SHOOT dont u guys flame me i luv HL2 more anything esle but 98% thats gay
That is frickin awesome... but when can non pc gamer subscribers get the mag in stores?
Well, cliff from Valve said it's real so it's real. Just for those who want proof of the review, I just want to know how long it will take for the game to go gold and to the store? It's grate that it got such a high score and I can wait 4 weeks for the game to come but I have a bad felling that it will not come out on time again for the million time but I will be happy if I am wrong about it but you know I won't be. Half-Life 2 is out on your PC if you bought it on Steam and you can play Counter-Strike:Source Right Now! which is grate and kool for everyone that is using that service so Half-Life 2 as to be gold and ready to ship I can wait till Nov. 2 and hopefully it will be out on time. :borg:
SubKamran said:
I'm also wary of reviews, since they said DOOM 3 was "the best FPS ever made" and it sucked ass, IMHO.


Read EDGE, they gave Doom3 the 7/10 it deserved; and have yet to be wrong in any review. EDGE rate 5/10 as mediocre, the "average" kind of game, not 75% that most mags seems to think means the same.

Wonder if Half-Life 2 will be the sixth game in the magazine's history to get the awesome 10/10 accolade?

I'd say if anything was to push the release date up, it would be an overwhelming amount of orders taken thru Steam. We don't know if VU gets a cut of what Steam sells, but if they knew they were losing large amounts of orders, I'd expect the legal wrangling to die down for a moment so VU could get boxes on the shelves.

I'm impressed with the high framerates, bumpmapping and reflective light in CS:S. There are no bots, so I can't verify AI of enemy players, but the action is quite addictive.

My only downside to it is... well, I'm not that great at counterstrike... and, teammates can block your movement... quite annoying when you're trying to run for cover, but can't.

Hype aside, 90% plus makes a good game. I'm sure HL2 will be decent.
Good to see that Valve is credited for their hard work.
98% is pretty high :)

I read through some of that guy's post on gamespot and this is the December issue!? By like...2010, we'll be reading March issue 2011 PC Gamer in Febuary 2010. :rolleyes:
rrm said:
I would have never expected something like this. US PC Gamer overrates games, but a 98% is truly amazing. Holy shit
Yeah I am a bit worried about the hyperbole factor of the reviews. Journalists are people too and as such they can be folly to getting over-excited too quickly, and that would apply especially to such an anticipated title. That said, I suppose they couldn't all make the same mistake. But 98% does sound stupidly high.
Well hopefully it'll be stupidly good:)
Is it just me, or does it seem like the reviwers are just changing their score based off the other reviews that have already been released?

i.e. PC Zone gave Half-Life 2 a 97%, we (PC Gamer US) can beat that. Half-Life 2 = 98%.

Not that it's a bad thing of course, but there is a definate pattern to this.
A True Canadian said:
Is it just me, or does it seem like the reviwers are just changing their score based off the other reviews that have already been released?

i.e. PC Zone gave Half-Life 2 a 97%, we (PC Gamer US) can beat that. Half-Life 2 = 98%.

Not that it's a bad thing of course, but there is a definate pattern to this.

Give me a break....