PC Gamer:World-Exclusive Quake 4 Preview

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You do know that it's a month old. :D
The Thing said:
You do know that it's a month old. :D
Well damn't I want to see those pics!Doesn't matter if it's old... :P
i think quake 4 is gonna be awesome... i will most definitely be buying it like i do all the huge fps games nowadays :) its basically looks like a more action packed doom 3, hope fully with some outdoor action

I have a feeling Quake 4 will end up being like Call Of Duty i.e. heavy use of scripting. Either that, or it will end up being like the Halo 2 trailer from E3 2003, in that city. Or something. Oh hell, as long as it's fun. :)
hmm.. i see kohan 2 in on slate.. those were pretty good games..
comeone on now, aklsing for scans... you know that's a no no.
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