Pc Gamer


May 19, 2003
Reaction score
I just received the October issue (newest one, today...the 30th)...i was just wondering when the rest of you received it, i remember people getting this issue like some 2-3 weeks ago? I'm a subscriber and i guess got it late?
I received mine about 2.5 weeks ago, yes. I guess you just got it late.
I am expecting my next issue probably on the 7th or 8th of September.
The last one I got was with the DOOM 3 review. I'm paid and have like 10 more issues left. I usually get mine before everyone else. Don't know whats going on. Unless someones been in my mail.
dart321 said:
The last one I got was with the DOOM 3 review. I'm paid and have like 10 more issues left. I usually get mine before everyone else. Don't know whats going on. Unless someones been in my mail.
Hhmm...I would ask for a re-issue.
PC Gamer is quite crap, I never seen such bad reviews and such racist joke against the French. I still buy it time to time.
I was never really crazy about PC Gamer myself, but I read it once in awhile ,though.
I have a PC Gamer from like 1995 that has some really nice reviews/articles, but the couple I've got since then have been unimpressive. PCPP = Win.
Plus it's quite expensive, and the mag is really small.
Just compare it to the English PC gamer, that one is huge.
The swedish ed of PCGamer is probably the best mag in the entire country here.
UK PC Gamer seems pretty good, always worth a read, still....what is going on with regards when it comes and what it contains?
I hope that PC gamer dosen't get the exclusive, plus their doom 3 review was full of spoilers.
Adrien C said:
PC Gamer is quite crap, I never seen such bad reviews and such racist joke against the French. I still buy it time to time.
French aint a race ;)

Any i get CGW instead...they make me laugh in the letters section. They make fun of canadians instead of french.
Yeah, well PC Gamers forget that the French play a major position on the video game world . Ubi anyone ?