PC keeps shutting off :(


Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
I got my new mobo, and HD. Windows is set up but everytime I try to install a game The pc just shuts off and wont turn back on until I press the button 5min later. shippi is suggesting its a heat problem, I recall having that cpu paste on my fingers, maybe it need more now?? since I had on my fibgers during the hardware setup? plz help me:(
shippi is right, i think your processor is overheating, check to make sure that the heatsink is over the processor and it has enough paste on it
Could definately be a heat problem...feel around(carefully) after the comp shuts off. 5 mins seems like a long time. You might want to make sure there is no thermal paste that over flowed and check to make sure your PSU isn't crap as it could be ruining your mobo so it shuts off and can't turn on for 5 mins...Bad PSUs cause so many problems its nuts.

Also check to make sure your power cable isn't backwards. In school we had a few comps that would do this and I think it was from shitty PSUs. Also make sure the PSU is turned on in the back as if its off and turning on that could be the problem...
Make shure that the mobo's capacitors are not blown... If they leak, get your mobo back to the shop and change it...