PC Not Working After RAM Upgrade


Feb 3, 2005
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So I got 2 sticks of 1GB RAM for an HP Pavilion a1100y.

This is the computer and RAM:


So I put both sticks in and the computer has long beeps.

So I took out one of the sticks and same thing.

So I used some compressed air to clean the slots and same thing.

So I tried several more times, making sure it was seated correctly throughout, still, same thing.

So I put the old RAM back in the computer, and still, same thing.

Made sure it was seated correctly again, same thing.

So I look online and see that other people have had this happen. One 'expert' says to take out the CMOS battery for 5 seconds. I was feeling desperate, and thought this was a good idea. I took it out for about 30 seconds, but now the computer does nothing. I took the battery out and put it back in again. The light on the back of the computer signifies that the power supply is connected, but pressing the power button on the computer does nothing.

Any help?


EDIT: Do I need to muck with the jumpers?

no don't mess with jumpers. put your old ram back in. blow out your whole case, if you have a spare computer use it's power supply to test your HP. If your HP works using that test power supply guess what, you just happened to kill your power supply at the same time you upgraded RAM. Not unusual don't worry. Post after you've done this....

If you DON'T have a spare power supply to do that with then go to your local computer shop, buy one only if they'll let you return it IF it doesn't work, then try this.

If your new power supply doesn't power up your computer start taking components out: modems, video cards, NIC. whatever is in the PCI slots and in the IDE, SATA ports. if you have to just boot the motherboard with NOTHING in it besides the RAM.

also that website is full of liars
"Your HP Pavilion A1100y only supports modules made with a specific type of chip build. If you come across a website and find what seems to be the exact same memory for a lower price, it is likely that the cheaper memory will not work in your system"
what a load of bullshit. as long as it's DDR2 it will ****ing work.
Thanks for the suggestions. I did blast the case with air and cleaned it pretty good, but I will double check to make sure.

I too thought maybe the power supply died. It just seems so suspicious that pulling out the CMOS battery and putting it back in, now the PC won't do anything. Therefore, I think the two things are related, though I am aware that the power supply could have decided it would die now. I was sure to put the battery back in the way I found it.

Hitting the power button does nothing.

My support request has a response from HP that isn't very helpful so far:
Thank you for contacting HP Total Care. My name is Martin. I’m from the Desktop E-mail support team.

I gather from your Email that after upgrading the RAM in your computer it is not booting up and giving long beeps when you try to start your computer. I also see that you have tried putting back the original RAM but it is still giving long beeps.

We appreciate your efforts in resolving the issue and are fully committed to assist you with the best of our ability.

I realize the importance of the issue and will make sure that I give you appropriate steps to troubleshoot the issue. However, it may take a few email exchanges; your patience is appreciated.

VirusType2, since you are getting long beeps after upgrading the RAM in your computer and even after putting back the original RAM in the computer, it may be possible that while installing the new RAM any connection might have gone loose.

I have checked the product specification of your computer and find that it came with an integrated graphics. If you have upgraded the graphics card in your computer, remove it and connect the graphics with the integrated one and check with the original RAM installed if the computer boots up.

If the computer boots up reinstall the graphics card properly in the PCI slot and check if it boots up. If it does not boot up it could be an issue with the graphics card.

Also try seating the original RAM in different slots and check if the computer boots up normally.

Please get back to us with the serial number of the computer.

I see that you are about to perform the trouble shooting steps. I wish you good luck for your efforts in trying to resolve the issue. Please get back to us with the results. We are eager to hear from you.

For information on keeping your HP and Compaq products up and running, please visit our Web site at: http://www.hp.com/go/totalcare


In the morning, I will try to check connections. The only thing in a PCI slot is an unused dial up modem, but I will remove it. The computer uses the internal graphics chip.

I do have another power supply that I can try.
awesome...try the powersupply in the morning and if it makes no difference start putting your old memory in the first DIMM slot one at a time and try booting. you may have a bad RAM module AND your new RAM might be bad. never know....just gotta eliminate all possibilities! :D
What would happen if I turned on the PC with no RAM sticks? Could I make it into the BIOS menu you think?

I'm doing some research on the beep codes now, even though my problem has progressed further, I'd still like to understand what was happening. It could help me with the new problem.
Virus, reset BIOS (Battery out)... See what happens...Did that already huh?
Check the 4/8-pin CPU rail and see if it didn't come loose.
Check all component rails, motherboard 20/24-pin, etc.
Don't give up too soon, hang it there Virus. Al come to save you.

Good Luck.

What would happen if I turned on the PC with no RAM sticks? Could I make it into the BIOS menu you think?

I'm doing some research on the beep codes now, even though my problem has progressed further, I'd still like to understand what was happening. It could help me with the new problem.

No RAM, and BIOS won't post, will only peep if there is system speaker, otherwise dark-screen, after (maybe) brief BIOS error/no post.

Good Luck.
I replaced the PSU with an extra and found a huge dust bunny inside one of the 3 prong holes of the power cord. After rooming the dust from the cord, the computer powers up fine with either power supply.

It no longer beeps, but it still isn't posting. It doesn't seem to access the bios since the keyboard doesn't light up, and because it sounds like the fans are staying at full speed. Normally, I think the BIOS gains control of fan speeds.

I think maybe because I removed the battery, now I should try holding F1 after powering up or some shit. I'll have to try tomorrow.
if it's a usb keyboard u might have problems getting BIOS to recognize it. get a PS/2 one if you can
Well, I've tried every option HP has given me, still nothing. Correctly upgrading the RAM should not cause the computer to never work again.

Until I hear back from HP, I'm out of things to try.

My best guess says that the dust in the power cord prong caused damage to either the motherboard or CPU when I powered it up the first time, so I don't know if I can blame this on crap hardware yet.

I'm blaming it on not keeping the computer clean. Though I did air blast the computer internals, it's not my computer so it never occurred to me to vacuum under the computer desk, despite the fact that it was extremely dusty there. I'm not sure that would have changed anything, since I probably would have never seen the dust around the power supply cord hole.
You may have ****ed your motherboard with static electricity. Were you properly grounded with the power cord disconnected and on a non static-y surface?
This is really embarrassing. My brother gave her a different (used) computer and I put her hard drive and DVD burner in it. When I made the change, I was using better light, and I noticed that the RAM - even though the tabs were locked - wasn't fully seated. Pushing the ram just made the motherboard flex and I was worried I'd break it, so I laid the computer on its back and pushed down quite firmly.

The computer is fine.

Not really.

o rly...you're going to tell me you've never messed with a motherboard that wouldn't post and it turned out to be unseated RAM? maybe it's cause i'm 24 and have been around computers since i was 11.

Maybe I'm just more observant than you are. I'm pretty anal about things I care about. :P
o rly...you're going to tell me you've never messed with a motherboard that wouldn't post and it turned out to be unseated RAM? maybe it's cause i'm 24 and have been around computers since i was 11.

23 and been building my own pcs from scratch since I was 12. Never had unseated ram. Theres ****ing tabs on them that snap into place when its in. COME ON.

I have however, forgotten to plus a PCI-E power cable into my video card, BUT THAT WAS ONLY ONCE SHUT UP.
Lol. I had to use about 500 pounds of pressure to seat it. I've installed RAM several times before, a few years ago, and didn't remember having to use so much force.

Maybe I'm just getting weaker in my old age. I figured the motherboard would freaking snap if I gave it any more. The RAM slot was tighter than a 12 year old's asshole - I guess.