PC won't boot...need help please!


Sep 12, 2003
Reaction score
I posted this on anadtech.com as well

This tuesday I came home from school, but when i went to turn on my pc, it wouldnt at all. I nelt down behind the pc and the psu was making a nasty "sssssssss" sound, and it smelled a little bit like it was burning. So I did the logical thing and ordered a new PSU, which should be here tomorrow.

My problem is this, when I unplug the psu from my motherboard the "sss" sound stops, and itll start again as soon as I plug it back in. Also, this psu will boot my brothers celeron 766 compaq pos pc. I'm worried that a part other than my psu is defected, like my motherboard. The specs of my computer are as follows:
MSI K8N Neo Platinum
AMD Athlon 64 3000+ 754
512 mb kingstong hyperX
Radeon 9600 pro
80 gig IDE hdd
350 watt Codegen psu (420 thermaltake on the way)

Any suggestions about what I should do? If this PSU doesn't fix it I'm going to RMA the motherboard.
Thanks again!
Do you mean you mean when you unplug it from the motherboard, but not the rest of the comp, it stops? Maybe it's the sound of thermal past sizzling (seriously) try check the temps with a third party tempurature reading module thingy.

Sound's like mobo problems though. I don't have much electrical knowhow so I can't really tell what it would be though. Asus can probably help. He knows what a capacitor does :LOL:
I'd get a new Powersupply. That's where you said the sound is coming from. That's probably what the issue is. Sound stopping when you unplug it from the board just might mean that the PSU isn't stressed anymore.

You might go buy a PSU from a local computer store to see if that's the problem. Can always take it back and then order one online if need be.
I ordered a new psu tuesday, it should be here today by 4:30

Sinkoman, the sound is coming from the psu, not my processor. But, if my psu is bad why will it boot my brothers pc?
i don't think so... if it bad for you, it'll bad for him.. i dont really know too... how can it run your brother's cpu and not yours! Maybe your hardware(System) need more power than him, and the psu can run is cpu cuz he isn't used to his maximum performance...
My new psu didnt fix the problem =(. I'm going to RMA the motherboard to MSI and get a new one (hopefully) in the mean time I guess it's back to my athlon xp and asus a7v8x-x