PCGA president Randy Stude ON FIRE

Gray Fox

Aug 22, 2004
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PC Gaming Alliance boss Randy Stude is on fire:
Also the Director of the Gaming Program Office at Intel Corporation

"You look at even the best console games, their gameplay doesn't last beyond a release window. There's a release window mentality with console gaming that's only rivalled by the movie industry. When is the next DVD coming out? When is the next console game coming out? You play it for 30 days and then you stop because the experience is pretty much worn out."

"With PC gaming they play and play. There's still people playing the original Fallout and Fallout 2. And if Fallout 3 doesn't deliver on a good experience, they'll keep playing those titles because they'll reject the new version. Just ask people who waited for Unreal Tournament 3. There's more people playing Unreal Tournament 2004 right now than Unreal Tournament 3. Go look at the servers. It's not because of piracy, it's not because the game doesn't look great, it's not because systems can't play the game, it's because the experience with the 2004 version, gamers just like it. And if you're not monetising that experience, if you're not in it for the long run when you launch a title on PC you're probably missing the opportunity. Blizzard gets it. Funcom gets it. The guys at Sony Online get it. You build relationships with PC gamers, not titles to sell to them."

Speaking of what Valve has been doing for years! This guy knows it.
Good read, I have to agree with some of the points he made on UT (its not that optimized, so lots of people with 'minimum requirement' machines don't bother).
Breaking the PC Gaming circle jerk here, but it's not like there aren't console titles that people dust off years down the line and play again and again (with no more hassle than getting the system down from the attic, rather than the additional 3 hours spent trawling fansites and dosbox faqs to get it running in even the lowest VGA graphics mode).

And when he's supposed to be championing the platform, pointing out how new versions of older games get played once and ejected without fair consideration isn't going to convince developers that there is actually any money to be made. If anything, saying something like UT2004, with nearly a hundred in the box maps, exhaustive gametypes and strong devoted community, offers a definitive experience is basically a cautionary tale to any developer who dares to make the best game they possibly can first time round.

I'll love PC gaming long after the Console Vs PC argument settles itself with all out nuclear war (better hope your USB mice are working console boys), but I'm no more grateful to this guy pointing this stuff out than I am to Clifford Bleszinski saying that as a PC Gamer, i'm intelligent enough to torrent Jazz Jackrabbit III whilst penning a hilarious fanfiction that changes a single vowel in the above title.
I can't speak for consoles but every PC gamer I know will, on occasion, install and play a game they had fun with 10+ years ago.
He was doing well till he mentioned Funcom and SOE over Valve.