PCI SATA card problems with a SATA motherboard


Nov 27, 2004
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My mother board has 2 SATA connecters and I have 2 30GB HDs in RAID0 connected to it. I'm running low on space and since I have a 150GB HD lying around (long story) I thought I'd buy a PCI card for it.

When the card was installed and the HD plugged in, my computer would try to boot off an old install of Windows on the 150GB HD. When I unpluged the 150GB HD and turned the computer on it would freeze at "detecting PCI cards" or something similar. So, what I did was, I plugged the 2 30GB HDs into the PCI card and the 150GB HD into the mother board, again, it didnt reach windows before freezing. So, I unpluged the 150GB HD and booted to windows with the 2 30GB HDs still plugged into the PCI card, then using SATAs hot swappable abilities, plugged the 150GB HD into the mother board and wiped the windows partition. But, this didnt fix anything.

In summary, I can only get my computer to boot, if my windows drives (2x30GB HDs in RAID0) are plugged into the PCI card and no other drives are plugged into the mother board. How can I get it to work with the 2x30GB HDs connected to my mother board and the 3rd drive connected to the PCI card?
are your 2x30GB hard drives connected in to the correct S-ATA ports on ur motherboard?
my motherboard has 2x for RAID and 2x for just S-ATA no RAID
The motherboard only has 2 SATA connecters. Thats why I bought a PCI card for the 3rd HD. The 2x30GB HDs work fine connected to the motherboard when the PCI card is removed, but as soon as I insert the PCI card, with or without a HD connected to it, the computer wont load windows. If I connect the 2x30GB HDs to the PCI card it will only boot if nothing is connected to the motherboard, as soon as I try connecting the 3rd HD to the motherboard the computer will no longer load windows.
erm, if i can actually make sense of what ur saying (not your fault), it does not work like it 'used to' ?

i would try and stick the 2x30GBs back int o the mobo Sata ports, and remove the PCI card.
maybe u need to install drivers first, im no expert, but try it