Pedophile sent home; Jails full...


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
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Now ill have to wait until its put on the internet to show a source/proof, but i saw it this morning on the news and heard it atleast 5 timeson the radio during the 3 hour trip i took home today from Cheltenham;

A self-confessed pedophile in Scotland (i think) has bern let off a prison sentence by a judge simply because the judge was informed by the government that there were no jail spaces left.
He is now back in his home, with (literally) a children's playground at his front door which is frequently used, especially during the summer. He will be visited by an officer once a week and is not allowed out after a certain time at night...but come ON!

Sorry, but how ***ked up IS the system exactly? Surely they can remove someone on a sentence for stealing a tea cup or something and throw that ***ker in instead. Pedophillia isnt good enough???

And i love how the media have announced the fact that the prisons are full. I may just go nick a Hyabusa, hell, its not like im going to jail for it any time soon...
Won't he get killed or severely beaten by his neighbors, thats what usually happens to these people.
In any case couldn't they hold him on a navy ship brig or army base?
Build more prisons.

-.- How hard can it be?
Yeah and old Gordie can raise taxes in order to pay for them :x
Don't worry lads!

Britishness classes coming soon!
Yes, I saw that and wondered quite how you could distill "British culture" down and sanitise it for fatuous classroom morale-boosting.
I can think of a much better solution that costs 50 - 75 cents and is quick than just sending him home.
Oh for the love of god, you do not let criminals off, just because there is no room! Just stack them on one another, and use the frigging roof if you have to.
I can think of a much better solution that costs 50 - 75 cents and is quick than just sending him home.
Buy him sex with a syphilis and clap-infested prostitute so that when he gets home, he'll be too stupid and pain-ridden to have sex with kids?
Buy him sex with a syphilis and clap-infested prostitute so that when he gets home, he'll be too stupid and pain-ridden to have sex with kids?

I was thinking a bullet to the noggin but thats a ingenious idea that also helps the economy! :D
So what if the jails full, kill some inmates and shove him in there.
Pedophiles are the worst type of criminal too me. i just hate them so much , maybe because i know people who have been molested.
Let one of the people with the least time left go and put the new criminal in there?
Stop locking people up for recreational drug use. Lock up real criminals instead.
Yeah, we have this problem in Belgium aswell :| They're building a few extra prisons, but that's just a patch for the growing problem. They're going to use wristbands or something to check up on them, I dunno