Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure

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Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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You heard it right.

Earlier today we reported that Amazon is selling a book titled The Pedophile’s Guide to Love and Pleasure. The book itself is a disgrace – a how-to guide for pedophiles. It includes, among other things, tips on how to get away with it and how to avoid sexually transmitted diseases by purchasing condom-like products for children too small to use actual condoms.
The ****...

That's some ****ed up shit.

Anybody defending this book can't say that it's okay because it talks about how to deal with being a pedophile without acting on the urges... since it's talking about how to do things with ACTUAL CHILDREN. REAL VICTIMS.
Anybody defending this book can't say that it's okay because it talks about how to deal with being a pedophile without acting on the urges... since it's talking about how to do things with ACTUAL CHILDREN. ALIVE, REAL, VICTIMS.
That's true, but I'm pretty sure even if it did talk only about doing things that don't harm others, people would find it disgusting and awful and the article wouldn't be any different.
Wow. I read the thread title and decided my post was going to be "Step one: Don't get caught." Then I read the thread, and I just couldn't do it.
I hear there books like how to make bombs and how to be a contract killer so this dont surprise me at all

That's true, but I'm pretty sure even if it did talk only about doing things that don't harm others, people would find it disgusting and awful and the article wouldn't be any different.

Hahahaha, then you tried to get in a fight
Does anyone have any proof of what the contents of the book are like?

Cause there been time and time again that a book content was never viewed but they always judge a book by its cover, a similar thing happened with a game called nighttrap where it was condemned to have murder of young women and something else i cant remember, now the game turned out to be nothing but meh shit.

I'm just wondering how much of the controversy is over blown bullshit or actual stuff that happens in the book.

Either way, meh, I don't give a ****, the world is a ever changing place, one day something causes controversy and the next it becomes the norm.

We live in a ****ed up world.
The content has led to hundreds of tweets criticizing Amazon for allowing the title to be sold. A Facebook page has been created calling for a boycott of the Seattle-based company.
Does anyone else despise living in the future? I mean, hundreds of tweets and a facebook page! Holy shit, amazon is going downnnn

also check it

I would think that pedophiles who don't criminally act upon their urges would speak out against such a book.

I mean, after all, as I said above, it's describing and basically advocating committing illegal acts on children. Actually going through with it and being a sexual predator... not just a hidden pedophile that isn't predating on people.

Note, I say this all off the article and the excerpts.
Does anyone have any proof of what the contents of the book are like?

Cause there been time and time again that a book content was never viewed but they always judge a book by its cover, a similar thing happened with a game called nighttrap where it was condemned to have murder of young women and something else i cant remember, now the game turned out to be nothing but meh shit.

I'm just wondering how much of the controversy is over blown bullshit or actual stuff that happens in the book.

Either way, meh, I don't give a ****, the world is a ever changing place, one day something causes controversy and the next it becomes the norm.

We live in a ****ed up world.

From the article...


From those excerpts it's not like it's a step by step guide to actually harming children. The condom thing implies the reader is having sex with children, but it's not saying how to even reach that point. It's only saying you should use protection, which isn't a bad thing.

And also, the argument could be made that a book teaching someone how to predate children isn't going to be enough to corrupt someone's sense of right and wrong. Someone ****ed up enough to actually harm children is going to do it with or without this book. The book isn't going to change who you are.

Like I said in my first post, this is really just people's fear of pedos, (ones that harm children and ones that keep entirely to themselves) making this a controversial topic. It's not like this book is going to be the cause of thousands of child rapes.
It's a commercially distributed howto tool. That's my problem with it.

And come on Vegeta, don't brush aside that condom thing by basically implying it's a beneficial public service announcement of sorts.

"Have sex with your kids or other peoples kids, but be sure to use protection and be sure to think smaller!"

Way to miss/fail to address my point. I wasn't "brushing aside" anything, and I'm not ignorant to the fact that this book may be detailing sex acts. I'll repeat my point:

This book isn't going to corrupt someone. A pedophile who wants to have sex with children doesn't need this book. A book like this isn't going to "enable" someone to commit such acts no more than a book could prevent them from doing it.

Also I don't see where you read about the book telling people to have sex with children.
Way to miss/fail to address my point.

This book isn't going to corrupt someone. A pedophile who wants to have sex with children doesn't need this book. A book like this isn't going to "enable" someone to commit such acts no more than a book could prevent them from doing it.

Also I don't see where you read about the book telling people to have sex with children.

I didn't say it's going to corrupt someone, I'm saying that it's a public, commercially distributed tool for their actions.

I also didn't read anything about it telling people to have sex children... that much is pretty much implied. I mean come on it's a ****ing tip book on how to be a more successful pedophile.

"We ain't gonna tell ya now to go have some kid stick his dick in ya, but if ya do you better make sure he uses protection!"
I think a key problem is that everything about this book has either been inferred from the title or gained from a single sample paragraph on condoms (which I support! Hurrah for STD prevention).

As for it being a how-to for molestations, that's completely moot, does anyone here own a kindle?
I didn't say it's going to corrupt someone, I'm saying that it's a public, commercially distributed tool for their actions.

And why are you against this tool? If it isn't going to make people rape children, then what is your problem with it? If it's a tool that encourages safe sex, all the more acceptable.

Same reason there is no age minimum to buy condoms. Selling condoms to kids isn't advocating child sex. It's accepting the fact that it happens, and trying to at least make the best of it.

This book is the same thing applied to pedophiles.

How does the book implying that the reader has or will have sex with children a bad thing? This implication is not going to make a reader be like "Oh shit, I'm not ready to read this book yet, brb sexing children"
This book is the same thing applied to pedophiles.

Wait, so you're basically saying this book is a public service like aids awareness or something? That it's accepting the fact that there are pedophiles and trying to at least make the best of it? You're basically saying that the book is admitting that pedophilia is wrong, but because it happens you better take precaution A and use techniques B and C.

WRONG. The ****ing title itself dispels that notion right off the bat. It's a book that's encouraging pedophile pleasure in the activities.

People obviously have free speech and freedom of the press, so they can make books like these... and there's not a damn thing I can do to stop it but my criticism is directed at Amazon for commercially allowing this book through their incredibly popular service.
Sigh, and again you miss my point by making connections in my analogy that I did not make.

What I meant was that selling condoms to children isn't going to make them have sex. If a child wants to have sex then they're ****ing going to, regardless of whether they can legally purchase condoms.

Though my analogy does make more connections to the condom excerpt from the book. It's funny that they quote that part of the book which actually is trying to be helpful to those already committed to having sex with children by advising them to practice safe sex.
Well, I guess we better go by the authors word on this.

"This is my attempt to make pedophile situations safer for those juveniles that find themselves involved in them, by establishing certian rules for these adults to follow. I hope to achieve this by appealing to the better nature of pedosexuals, with hope that their doing so will result in less hatred and perhaps liter sentences should they ever be caught."

What a saint.

What a Good Samaritan.

What a champion!

Yeah... that's all this book is, just a harmless sexual education book.

Now you're just being paranoid and buying into the pedo-hysteria. Nobody here is ****ing claiming he's a great man for writing this book. (Though he is brave for even publishing such a book in this society)

If the author says that about his book, and you haven't even read the book, then you have no right to disparage his claims.

This puts you in an even tougher position to be able to answer my earlier question, as to what harm this book is actually doing? What ACTUAL problem can you pinpoint about this book, other than being a "tool for pedophiles".
What? You mean I'm not supposed to take the author at his word, that the book isn't somehow about how to conduct yourself when having sex with children?

He said exactly that, and that's exactly how I'm treating it... a book that discusses the conduct you should take when having sex with children.

Not a god damn thing to do with pedo-scare.

I don't subscribe to pedo scare. I know the ****ing difference between a pedophile who never acts on their nature, and those that do. This book is for those that do. This isn't a book for you vegeta.

This is all derived without any sort of spin from the authors description of the book.

I have to read the book to realize exactly what the author spells out right from the product description?
Just gonna wait for you to answer my question. What is wrong with a book about "how to conduct yourself when having sex with children" What harm does this implication do? The same exact implication is there when selling condoms to children. The implication of child sex. What harm is the book doing? Why should we prevent this book from being sold?

You haven't even come close to answering this, the only thing you do is explain over and over what the book does, as if just because sex with children is a bad thing that should be removed from this world, so should this book because it is for those who do it.
"This is my attempt to make pedophile situations safer for those juveniles that find themselves involved in them, by establishing certian rules for these adults to follow. I hope to achieve this by appealing to the better nature of pedosexuals, with hope that their doing so will result in less hatred and perhaps liter sentences should they ever be caught."
They measure criminal sentences by volume now?
From those excerpts it's not like it's a step by step guide to actually harming children. The condom thing implies the reader is having sex with children, but it's not saying how to even reach that point. It's only saying you should use protection, which isn't a bad thing.

And also, the argument could be made that a book teaching someone how to predate children isn't going to be enough to corrupt someone's sense of right and wrong. Someone ****ed up enough to actually harm children is going to do it with or without this book. The book isn't going to change who you are.

Like I said in my first post, this is really just people's fear of pedos, (ones that harm children and ones that keep entirely to themselves) making this a controversial topic. It's not like this book is going to be the cause of thousands of child rapes.

If it only caused one that would be way too much.

This whole thing is disgusting.
Just gonna wait for you to answer my question. What is wrong with a book about "how to conduct yourself when having sex with children" What harm does this implication do? The same exact implication is there when selling condoms to children. The implication of child sex. What harm is the book doing? Why should we prevent this book from being sold?

You haven't even come close to answering this, the only thing you do is explain over and over what the book does, as if just because sex with children is a bad thing that should be removed from this world, so should this book because it is for those who do it.

I don't even know how you're equivocating sex with children by other children(thus condoms being sold to children) as the same thing as sex with children by adults. What, you think the condoms are sold for the pedophiles to use? No, they're available like that as they are because of teen sex which is absolutely not on the same page as a sexual predator having sex with children.

I never said anything about the book being removed from the world, and I would like for you to point out where I did. People have a right to free speech and to make such a thing, I'm stating that Amazon is making a poor decision in hosting the book for sale.

Honestly I expected more from you on it considering the past discussions we've had on the nature of the subject. You're incredibly conservative when it comes to the real predatory deal, but in this instance you're basically chalking it up as a good thing that helps rather than hurts.

That's all I'm really going to discuss on it. It's all a matter of opinion at this point, based on what benefit or detriment you feel the book offers to society... with the only thing to go on being an excerpt from the book and the product description itself by the author.
They measure criminal sentences by volume now?

I laughed.

/reads your post

/again does not find anything answering me

Take your time...

It's in there. You're just choosing to ignore it and my previous post because I'm not giving you the answer you want. I told you time and time again what the detriment is. It's basically instructing people how to continue what they're already doing, but how to do it better. And I don't know, but I can almost guarantee you that the book isn't just about medical precautions.

Next thing you know you're going to tell me it doesn't create any harm because the people who read it and would want the information are already doing it anyway. No harm in that. Yeah... just a big fat "keep on trucking", or in this case, "keep on ****ing".

Ridiculous. And as I said in my previous post, I'm done with this discussion.
It's basically instructing people how to continue what they're already doing, but how to do it better.

Implying that without the book, people wouldn't keep doing what they're already doing?

How does instructing people who were going to have sex with children anyway how to do it in a safer way a bad thing?

Sure let's just end this thread the same way every other pedo thread ends; the people who are attacking something pedophilic end up leaving the discussion because all they can manage to do is give the same vague pedo-scare reasoning over and over without any actual solid support.

Something that accepts a bad thing does not make that bad thing worse. The only solid examples we could even see in this book were attempts at making that bad thing better.
Implying that without the book, people wouldn't keep doing what they're already doing?

Where the dick did you get that implication? Raziaar said that the only thing it was doing was improving their practice, not encouraging it.
As for this book being a bad or harmful thing? It's not... but **** is it a stupid idea to release a book of this nature, to this society.
As for this book being a bad or harmful thing? It's not... but **** is it a stupid idea to release a book of this nature, to this society.
Is that really the strongest position you can make? It's a stupid idea?
Is that really the strongest position you can make? It's a stupid idea?

There is no way else for me to put it, this thread is already a shining beacon to what lengths you will achieve to become the forum sociopath.
Why bother.
Where the dick did you get that implication? Raziaar said that the only thing it was doing was improving their practice, not encouraging it.

Next thing you know you're going to tell me it doesn't create any harm because the people who read it and would want the information are already doing it anyway.

Seems like there's an implication there.

Is the book messed up? Sure. Should places not sell it? Nope.
Seems like there's an implication there.

Is the book messed up? Sure. Should places not sell it? Nope.

As much as I hate to admit it I have to agree. It is a disgusting book no doubt, but the idea that "oh noes it can be used for instructions" is not a valid argument to ban it. Using the same line of thought I could argue that the tv show Dexter should be banned because serial killers everywhere could get ideas about how to comit murder, and clean up after themselves more effectively. Also because it dares to portray a serial killer in a relatively positive way.
That's right Remus. Pedophilia is one of those things that just sickens people so much that people don't even realize the connections.

If Dexter were a show about a pedophile, well, I don't even need to go into that. In our society it's okay to watch a show about murder and such. There's kind of a 'coolness' factor there and it's okay to be interested in it without being accused of being a murderer or one who thinks murder is ok.

Pedophilia is just a different story in this society. People want to protect their kids and so they overreact about anything. People will attack even the safest and most harmless expressions of pedophilia, simply because of their hatred.
As much as I hate to admit it I have to agree. It is a disgusting book no doubt, but the idea that "oh noes it can be used for instructions" is not a valid argument to ban it. Using the same line of thought I could argue that the tv show Dexter should be banned because serial killers everywhere could get ideas about how to comit murder, and clean up after themselves more effectively. Also because it dares to portray a serial killer in a relatively positive way.

Good point.

1) It's telling you how to get away with it.

I don't like books like this. I also don't like books that tell you how to build bombs or be a better terrorist or murderer. Apparently, there is a demand -- and controversy is free advertisement, and sells books.
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