Pelican eats some bread, then swallows nearby pigeon

Then a polar bear eats the pelican, which is then eaten alive by a seagull. Right?

Also, D:
Is that the Peruvian type of centipede? My friend had a Vietnamese type that wasn't quite as big (maybe as long, but only the girth of a pencil) that would eat mice. The difference is that it was fast. Really fast. Fast, as in, if it got out, I'd have to break stride to get away from it if it was chasing me. One day it was missing... I wouldn't even drive back to his house until he confirmed that it was either back in the tank or dead.

I almost think death by pelican would be worse. The centipede bite relative to the mouse would drop it pretty quick. The bird, if it didn't suffocate immediately (which is very likely) would begin to be digested alive.
Good God...

This reminds of the video where a Cow ate a bunch of chicks..
Thats just...:|

Oh well :D stupid pigeon
The OP is an extremely appropriate person to be making this thread.

Seagull. heh.
I was horrified at the news story video, but then I lol'd at the full version. Something about a Pelican shaking its head really fast makes me laugh.
lol, this is how the pelican and pigeon went out:

says the pelican, "Rember, anyone throws food in this here cage. YOU DIE."
says the pigeon, "what?! no one would dare throw food at us! see that sign? 'Please do not feed the animals' why would anyone th- OH! Bread! omnomnom"
says the pelican, "Oh... thats it! YOU DIE, BITCH" *gulp*