people in the UK


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
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whats that program called where they look at fictional events causing a catastrophe or something? with the survival expert guy who used to be in the SAS or something? its really bugging me.
i think its on sky one.
now thats bugging me. i know what your on about, cant think of the name.
neptuneuk said:
whats that program called where they look at fictional events causing a catastrophe or something? with the survival expert guy who used to be in the SAS or something? its really bugging me.
i think its on sky one.

I know which one you are talking about, its the one hosted by Chris Ryan, yes?

Its definetaly NOT SAS: Are you tough enough?
are you talking about that "If" show that was on the BBC a while back?

/shrug :eek:
Its not ray mears. I know what you mean, ive forgotten the name though! :( The show where he guided you through what to do if a nuclear bomb went off in portsmouth or something, right? :P
Its was presented by Chris Ryan former SAS solider and author he presented a load of "What do to if.." then insert your chosen bolocksy scenario for this week.
chris ryan! i think thats him! lol thanks guys :) any ideas to what the shows called?
Its not ray mears. I know what you mean, ive forgotten the name though! :( The show where he guided you through what to do if a nuclear bomb went off in portsmouth or something, right? :P
thats definately the one!

i found them very interesting personally. the one about the avian flu pandemic was scary because its oh so very plausable....
Don't know that show, but did anyone watch Danger! Incoming Attack? I really liked that one.