People that buy EA games on release are punished for their impatience.


Jul 30, 2008
Reaction score
Ever notice how games like ME2,DA:O,DA2 and perhaps BF3 are released costing $60 and if you were lucky you may get some pre-order DLC for free BUT all DLC released after launch can cost anywhere from $5-$10

right now if you were to buy all DLC for DA:O you'd have to pay $40 of course you'd only do this if you already have a regular copy of the game that bought on launch day or soon after.
People that wait 3-5 months can then buy a GOTY edition for much cheaper then the original price plus all the DLC...

how is this fair?

edit:yes I mad
People that wait 3-5 months can then buy a GOTY edition for much cheaper then the original price plus all the DLC...

This is not big news. Everyone knows that waiting means lower prices and better deals (plus, patches and updates).
yeah but they should adjust DLC prices as well IMO
People keep buying them, they'll keep selling them. Capitalism and economics.
This isn't new, isn't exclusive to EA, and isn't even specific to DLC. Publishers have been releasing GOTY editions for years which include expansion packs for new customers while still selling the expansions themselves at a premium.
I know it just really pisses me off every time I feel like playing Dragon Age or Mass Effect2.
Although I got lucky the today bought DA2 for for 11.50..still a shitty game but I couldn't pass on that deal.
I also think it's kinda funny how Bioware always tries to revamp their Franchises and making sequels more shitty (like DA2) instead of staying consistent in their design choices.
Imagine if HL3 were to be 3rd person with a cover system.

It's better to lock yourself in a cupboard for 6 months. Come out and buy the games which were new 6 months ago (at a cut price+ DLC!) and enjoy them at their reasonable price.
How is this news? Isn't this normal practice with all publishers?
Indeed. Sure it sucks but whatya gonna do? Boycott? Like that'll ever have any effect on anything ever again.
Wait wait wait wait wait...wait.

Games cost more on release than they do months later!? Someone inform Kotaku so they can write an article about it!
Not just EA.

Look at Borderlands on Steam. The GOTY is $30. Meanwhile the original full game is $20, you can spend up to $40 buying the individual DLC packs separately, or you can buy an all-in-one DLC pack for $30.
I think it has something to do with the free market.

You are free to play a game when it's first released by paying full price for it or you can freely decide to wait a few months and pay half the price. How is that unfair?
a lot of times though the best time to play a game is right when it comes out. It feels new, everyone is figuring everything out and more people seem to be playing it. on the other hand as time progresses, only the best players continue to play