Perception of Reality


Sep 9, 2003
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I'm finding myself having lots of lapses of reality.

i.e., I'm in bed and it looks like the rest of the day was in another world, and then I realize it's my city, the same world.

Sometimes I get absorbed into movies so much I lose reality, this has never happened with games and only when I'm alone.

I sincerely believe I'm going nuts.
You na' , you should stop hanging out with Mary Jane.
Once i walked to school early in the morning, and my body felt like it was into Auto-walk mode and i could see from about 2 feet behind me, looking back on me... im sure it was just tiredness but it was very odd.

what do you mean by, "looks like the rest of the day was in another world"? Like, the day went by and you had no control?, i get that allot.
;( What's with all the members getting ****in conditions and shit? I want these things to happen to me ;( . It seems to be the 'thing' in
don't worry about it.

i don't suffer from insanity, i enjoy it. that should be your motto.

you should be be slightly relieved that you can feel and experience something that only a few people can. and even better you can articulate it fairly well.
:dozey: I think we need girlfriends. One of those should keep you busy.
I get that too. I'll be talking to someone... and a scenerio will be playing through my mind (and I see that, rather than what is kinda in front of me.. I Guess).. and I'll apparantly be talking to them coherently, but when it's over I don't remember what was said at all, or what I said.
oldagerocker said:
Once i walked to school early in the morning, and my body felt like it was into Auto-walk mode and i could see from about 2 feet behind me, looking back on me... im sure it was just tiredness but it was very odd.

what do you mean by, "looks like the rest of the day was in another world"? Like, the day went by and you had no control?, i get that allot.

Haha, auto-walking is awesome.

All I do is just think of something in my head, drift off, but continue to walk right to the place I was going.
I think we need girlfriends. One of those should keep you busy.

i used to have a gf. she was a bitch, but the making out was good. If you believe me, i dumped her because she was just too bitchy in the end. i couldnt stand her. Been there done that, i need to find a girl that actually shares my interests. mission impossible as i spend too much time on here.
I was playing cards with Jack Nicholson and an Indian Cheif earlier today.

also I like how we are starting to stray from the normal "Post your <enter here>" threads and starting to be more interesting.
not mission impossible!

many nerd's gfs don't do video games or computers in the beginning, but you can ease them into it as long as you don't spend all your time on the computer youself.

friend of mine did that with some girl and everquest, although she turned into a evercrack fiend, but thats just an extreme example.
Sprafa said:
I'm finding myself having lots of lapses of reality.

i.e., I'm in bed and it looks like the rest of the day was in another world, and then I realize it's my city, the same world.

Sometimes I get absorbed into movies so much I lose reality, this has never happened with games and only when I'm alone.

I sincerely believe I'm going nuts.

u are in the Matrix Sprafa!
u need to break free and help Neo!! :imu:
Haha i once truly thought that my day would continue to repeat over and over (like in groundhog day the movie) so i had no thought for personal saftety, luckily this was at night so i didnt do anything, and it only lasted like 10 minutes.
the part of be absorbed in games has happened to me
Ever forget that you were yourself? I've done that before. I'll start really focusing on something, like some story, either from real life or fictional and I become completely involved in that idea. Then suddenly I kind of come back to myself and feel surprise at the fact that I exist.

So your not alone in thinking weird things. Or maybe we should both be put in a padded cell.:)
... and I always thought I was weird. :O

The Internet is better at building confidence than any self help book when the crazy people start competing to see who is the most screwed up.
Sometimes i'll be reading a book for hours and hours straight, and then when i go to bed i begin thinking i'm in the book, its weird, probably just my brain going into sleep mode.

Like once when i was about to go to sleep, i asked my best friend if i could use his bike, and no one was in the room, and my best friend was a mile away, most likely, in bed.
nw909 said:
Haha, auto-walking is awesome.

All I do is just think of something in my head, drift off, but continue to walk right to the place I was going.

Try auto-driving. I've ended up clear across town (45 minute drive on the freeways) without realizing it. I'm perfectly safe driving (exact speed limits, signal lane changes, etc), but I just loose focus on what I am supposed to be doing. What is even more wierd is that I usually don't remember driving to that location. It usually happens along certain routes that I drive semi-normally.

What is even more wierd is when something is happening in slow motion. Earlier today, a water bottle was sliding off of a table and was going to hit my foot. What was crazy was I saw the entire thing in slow motion. It was like the matrix, everything was in slow motion. But my mind was working normal and was able to move my foot in time. As soon as the water bottle hit the floor, everything went back to real world speed. Now that is crazy.
blahblahblah said:
What is even more wierd is when something is happening in slow motion. Earlier today, a water bottle was sliding off of a table and was going to hit my foot. What was crazy was I saw the entire thing in slow motion. It was like the matrix, everything was in slow motion. But my mind was working normal and was able to move my foot in time. As soon as the water bottle hit the floor, everything went back to real world speed. Now that is crazy.

that happens to me too. Like, whenever i trip up, its all in slowmotion and i always throw my hands out in front of me and stop my self from face-planting. Its quite nifty, like a cat
blahblahblah said:
Try auto-driving. I've ended up clear across town (45 minute drive on the freeways) without realizing it. I'm perfectly safe driving (exact speed limits, signal lane changes, etc), but I just loose focus on what I am supposed to be doing. What is even more wierd is that I usually don't remember driving to that location. It usually happens along certain routes that I drive semi-normally.

Ya, I've done that before. What's even more scary is I once actually fell asleep with my eyes open while driving down the highway. I know I wasn't technically asleep, but I was definitely not conscious of anything I was doing. I practically jumped out of my seat when a semi truck passed me. That was a really stupid thing. Should never have been driving while that tired.

blahblahblah said:
What is even more wierd is when something is happening in slow motion. Earlier today, a water bottle was sliding off of a table and was going to hit my foot. What was crazy was I saw the entire thing in slow motion. It was like the matrix, everything was in slow motion. But my mind was working normal and was able to move my foot in time. As soon as the water bottle hit the floor, everything went back to real world speed. Now that is crazy.

Heh, ya I did that once when I crashed by bike. I remember flying through the air at about 25mph, looking down and being able to see the gravel slowly go by below me. Was kind of neat until I hit.
MarcoPolo said:
So you spend the day in your bed? are you alone a lot?

I wish I could. No, when I finnaly want to try to get some sleep, everything just shifts..I dunno, my brain doesn't recognizes my bed as part of my world or something like that, I feel displaced.
And what's all this talk about automatically doing things, I don't think that happens to me.

Does anyone else talks a lot to themselves . I started it a long time ago, and now I really can't stop. Everything I do I just review talking to myself.
For a while my internal monologue turned into a current tense commentary of my actions.
Example: "He blows into his hands to warm them up as he waits for the bus. The bus arrives and he reaches his cold hands into his pocket for his bus pass..." etc.
Bit f*cking weird, but then I want to be a writer and that was during my adolescence, when we're all a bit weird.

Also, it's not weird to talk to yourself, really. It's your internal dialogue (as opposed to monologue) which is sort of how you analyse and weigh out your actions. I often find myself in internal discussions, just to contemplate choices and actions - it means I can take longer to make decisions, but at least they're not always stupid ones. And I know I'm not being weird because I've spoken to friends about this very same thing.

Another thought that's peculiar is the idea that reality is really only a series of memories. Everything you've been doing in the past 10 seconds, let's say, you only know about because you remember it happening. Even more peculiar is the idea that, in a week or two or whatever, those 10 seconds, 10 minutes, 10 hours will be struck from your memory forever, as if they never happened. This doesn't freak me out, but it does make me seriously consider what my memories of this period of my life in the future will be.

Also the idea that you're another character in other peoples' lives, maybe even reduced to a bit part or merely an extra. Again, this doesn't really freak me out but I do find it highly interesting.

You don't need cannabis to be deep! In fact, I think it's vice versa... :)
In my opinion nearly all of these posts relate to humanity's constant evolution. No I don't mean growing wings or gills or whatever, but our brains constantly find better ways to adapt to our environment. I think it is reasonable to believe humans can resemble something like the characters in the matrix (not exactly of course, just using this as an example) some time in the future.
blahblahblah said:
What is even more wierd is when something is happening in slow motion. Earlier today, a water bottle was sliding off of a table and was going to hit my foot. What was crazy was I saw the entire thing in slow motion. It was like the matrix, everything was in slow motion. But my mind was working normal and was able to move my foot in time. As soon as the water bottle hit the floor, everything went back to real world speed. Now that is crazy.

i fell over on my arse in the bathroom once (i ran and the floor was wet :rolleyes: ) Anyway, i fell over in slow motion! i was ok though, only a bruised toe which had hit the radiator.

Still, it was weird, i think when things happen to you which could hurt you, the brain takes in loads of info about it and whats going on, and hence the slow motion of processing it or something...

[Edit] El Chi... i won't remember you and this thread in 10 hours !! :(
the most amusing thing is when you've been doing some serious running(i used to play rugby) and after running for like 2-3 hours you want to stop but the legs they just keep on keeping on. If however you really try to stop you'll probably end up with a sore face.
oldagerocker said:
[Edit] El Chi... i won't remember you and this thread in 10 hours !! :(
I'm shocked, appalled and insulted ;) I'll probably remember because I'm a philosophy student and so I'm finding this quite interesting.

One thing that kinda gets my proverbial goat (I haven't owned a goat in a long time; not after my last one tried to rob a bank - trouble-making sods, they are) is people always citing The Matrix. Okay, this sounds like a huge condescending criticism of everybody who's used it as a starting point but please don't be offended; I've had a bit too much coffee and so I may seem a bit more blunt than I mean to be. Seriously.
Anyway, it just annoys me because so many times during philosophy seminars, particular Descartes who was big on perception, reality and metaphysics, other students have said "So it's a bit like The Matrix, then?"
I understand you have to go from some starting point, but the film was so "Philosophy Lite" that I would've hoped philosophy students could've tried harder. Again I know I sound condescending, but I don't mean to. Argh!

JFry said:
In my opinion nearly all of these posts relate to humanity's constant evolution. No I don't mean growing wings or gills or whatever, but our brains constantly find better ways to adapt to our environment. I think it is reasonable to believe humans can resemble something like the characters in the matrix (not exactly of course, just using this as an example) some time in the future
Interesting, very interesting. I don't agree with you, but it's certainly an interesting idea.
I'd consider the world, or at least our perception thereof, to be somewhat more solid than a code to be altered in the way that they do. Perhaps we could evolve to perceive different spectrums/wavelengths of light or something similar to that. As to being able to fly because we choose not to acknowledge gravity - it's an obvious and proven universal phenomenon and so trying to rid one's mind of the concept would not only be difficult but I'm not sure it would do much.
Perhaps our brains will become larger/more powerful, but I'm not sure that through sheer will power it will be something we can avoid. Perhaps we could apply that evolved power to our the aging process of our own bodies to slow it or even halt it?
This is probably due to the magnetic field of earth weakening. Scientists predict that the poles will switch places in about 100 years.

Or it's something else. I too feel sometimes that i'm not in touch with the world, or that the day or whatever i'm experiencing isn't something that takes place on earth or in our dimension/time.

Hmm, lately when I've started threads, a couple of days later the forums explode! :P

No but really, I was feeling pretty weird yesterday. I think a large part of this unreality we feel, is down to the unreal world we live in. For instance...Im sat in a house made when the USA was barely a country. Im sitting on a chair that was probably made in china, with a drink that was made in the USA eating chocolate made...down the road...drawing on sketchpad made in the south of England somewhere. Im using pencil crayons that were made in switzerland. This computer, has components from all over the world. I am using the computer, to talk with people from all sides of the globe, inparticular at this moment...about how mad we all feel sometimes. I mean, just look at what humans came from, and the rate we have recently reached this point...we just aren't ready :O
blahblahblah said:
What is even more wierd is when something is happening in slow motion. Earlier today, a water bottle was sliding off of a table and was going to hit my foot. What was crazy was I saw the entire thing in slow motion. It was like the matrix, everything was in slow motion. But my mind was working normal and was able to move my foot in time. As soon as the water bottle hit the floor, everything went back to real world speed. Now that is crazy.

It's because when something is happening that you don't want to (like falling) your brain is trying to gather as much info as possible on that for a useful response and it's like trying to play unreal 3 on a geforce 2: it'll slowdown as it processes all the information on screen
Yeah its like when people get in a fight, often it will seem to slow down because their brain is actually having more thoughts per second. QUite weird really, because when you think about it if you trained yourself to do that, you could do things like in the Matrix :O Ok, not flying but the jumping in the air and kicking people.
It's a lot like El Chi said, I feel like my memories aren't mine or even from this world. When I close my eyes I stop feeling the world and when I open them again I can recognize my room, but it's like if the room is alone in the Universe, closed.