Perfect Dark Zero: 9/10! "Best FPS since Halo 2!"


Jul 31, 2004
Reaction score
From OXM UK January Issue

OXM UK said:
Like some sort of crazy A Team style plan involving hammering in a garage, close ups of pipes being cut, sheets of spiked metal riveted into a van, and some hilarious one liners from Face-man, Perfect Dark Zero has actually come together. And we LOVE it.".... "From Zero to Hero...The Finest first person shooter since Halo 2"

(or maybe HL2) ;)

OXM UK said:
+Superb Replay Value
+Colossally addictive on Xbox Live
+More weapons than Charlton Heston
+Better-than-high-end PC visuals

-Embarrassingly Wacky Voiceovers
Yeah, saw it earlier today. A good score, but I get a little weary about official magazines. I fully expect the game to score very well indeed, but I'd rather see it from more 'neutral' sources.

Anyway, here's a Co-op video that was posted last night:
Meh, OXM UK have a large record of being superbly shit. At least in my book. They gave Pariah an 8.9, and Halo 2 a 10....I'm going to wait for some more reviews to sprout up.
Actually I see Xbox Reviews to be a little low or on point in my experience. Strange... as if they don't want you to be sceptical perhaps?
Best FPS since the almighty Halo 2. LOL, sounds like the second coming of christ. Just kidding, all in jest. Seriously, I hope PD turns out well.
I'll wait for some 'proper' reviews ;)
I think "Best FPS since Halo 2" is a pretty damned good reason to take this review LIGHTLY.:p
"The Finest first person shooter since Halo 2"
They obviously mean for the xbox (look at the source) and they might be right given the recent crop, though one might've thought that HL2 on the xbox would have been held in a little higher esteem than the less-than-stellar Halo 2.

I can't imagine PD0 doing poorly considering its the only game IMHO that really stands out as a potential must-have for the system. But yes, I would wait for some more unbiased reviews before allocating the funds for it right away.
Awsome! Best FPS since Halo 2?!?!....:| Halo 2 wasn't even that good.
Doubt the graphics, no one will give you better-than-2000-dollar computer graphics for 400 dollars. Rule of the market, simple as that.
I hate when they compare games to other games saying ," the best thing since halo2!" it's like, let the game stand on it's own ****ing legs. dont compare the games. they are both FPS with guns. thats pretty much where the similarities end.

Like i hate when i hear commercials for movies, "THE BEST MOVIE YOU WILL SEE THIS YEAR", then if the movie isn't so good, "THE BEST MOVIE THIS SEASON" ,or they practically admit it sucks , " THE BEST MOVIE THIS WEEKEND!"

how are you ever going to get a name for yourself like that?

I don't like reviews like that at all.

Doubt the graphics, no one will give you better-than-2000-dollar computer graphics for 400 dollars. Rule of the market, simple as that.

Don't push yourself off as somekind of buisiness and marketing expert, you come off sounding uncredible. I've seen the graphics potential and they are ****ing insane. Better than anything I've ever seen. Leagues and Leagues better than anything I've seen on a PC so far.

Please don't compare the price of a PC--a buisiness tool equiped with the latest video game card--to the latest custom designed machine specifically for playing games, and use the price difference as a reason for why it couldn't be better.

Hell I remember every time a new game system came out it had better graphics than a PC, thats just how it is. People need to figure out what types of games they like and figure out what system is for you. Thats all that matters in the end
I'm watching you cookiecuttah
CookieCuttah said:
Doubt the graphics, no one will give you better-than-2000-dollar computer graphics for 400 dollars. Rule of the market, simple as that.
Watch the Co-op video I linked to, then say that again.
I doubt it still. I remember the PS2 hype before and after, the HL2 hype before and after. It was never the quality it was promised, almost but not it. I rather doubt anyone will put hardware that would cost more for a lesser price, that's losing tons of money.

But alright, we'll see.

Downloading video-

Hmm okay watched it at 1280x1080 resolution, looks plenty fun and the animation is sleek, but my opinion remains the same.
CookieCuttah said:
I doubt it still. I remember the PS2 hype before and after, the HL2 hype before and after. It was never the quality it was promised, almost but not it. I rather doubt anyone will put hardware that would cost more for a lesser price, that's losing tons of money.

But alright, we'll see.

Downloading video-

Hmm okay watched it at 1280x1080 resolution, looks plenty fun and the animation is sleek, but my opinion remains the same.
Yes! you've got it! They lose money on the systems. Or at the very least make little or no profit. Thats the strategy to get 1 in everyone's house as fast as they can, before Sony and Nintendo sell you theirs.

But then once you buy their system you are going to buy like 10 games over its life-time and buy a couple controllers and pay $60 a year for xbox live gold. thats how they make a profit!

10 games @ $55 each = 550 dollars. Then you consider if they sell 3 million systems quarter of the year, thats 3 million people buying 10 games at $550 =(which my calculator cannot compute.) :) $1,650,000,000
I mean think about this dude. That PS2 that was $400 dollars when it came out; is now only $129.
Well i thought Halo 2 was have decent.. All you guys like to say Halo sucks. Hl2 fanboys :laugh:
I don't think Halo 2 sucked, but it's definitely not the best FPS there is, not even on XB imo.:)
10 games @ $55 each = 550 dollars. Then you consider if they sell 3 million systems quarter of the year, thats 3 million people buying 10 games at $550 =(which my calculator cannot compute.) $1,650,000,000
I mean think about this dude. That PS2 that was $400 dollars when it came out; is now only $129.
Lets redo some thinking.
Sony and Microsoft are going to loose about $100 - $200 dollors and even more when the price drops on them.

How they make money is by charging a fee for every copy of the game. So Lets take $55, minus about $20 for the store, Minus 10 for the console owner, and half to the developer the other half to the publisher.

Nintendo is really the only company who makes money off the console itself, and since most games are 1st party they make even more money.

So lets redo your math,
$55 each = 10 dollars for Micrsooft. If 3 million people buy 10 games at $550, microsoft makes $3,000,000. Thats for 3rd party games. For 1st party there wont be a fee because Microsoft is thus the publisher. So if Bungie makes a game, Microsoft will probably split the profits or take up to 70%.

Then there is Mass Production. Why do graphic cards cost so much and consoles don't? This is do to they can easily Mass Produce consoles, while if they mass produce graphic cards...and sell them for cheap...they make less money and....then there going to have a few million that nobody needs.... thus major major loss. They still need to pay all the employs for researching, and developing this stuff....
The wait is agonising!

I haven't been checking the web for every snippet of news like this for any game since OoT.

SearanoX said:
Sevens and eights? Project Gotham 3 got a perfect ten.

I watched the co-op video. Looks pretty cool. Though the graphics and all that didn't really blow me away (and the framerate seemed unstable, but that's forgivable seeing as how it was being played split-screen), everything looks really, really intense. Reminded me quite a bit of the first game...but much faster in pace. Why Joanna had to free those scientists is kind of bugging me, though...she's a spy, not some grunt unit.
Yes, sevens and eights. Look at the other reviews. Anyway, you can apparently play the game the way you like - stealthy or rambo, or somewhere in-between, but rescuing scientists seems to come with the job... perhaps she's just training for all the scientist saving she has to do in the Perfect Dark plotline a few years later ;)
Embarrasingly wacky voice-overs? So I can assume the plot sucks?

Ugh. Well, at least the MP will tide my friends and I over until Halo 3.
I'd much rather see what Free Radical can do.

After all, it is made up of the people that made Goldeneye and the first Perfect Dark.

Plus Sgt Cortez is awesome :)
Samon said:
Meh, OXM UK have a large record of being superbly shit. At least in my book. They gave Pariah an 8.9, and Halo 2 a 10....I'm going to wait for some more reviews to sprout up.

LMFAO Pariah 8.9? LMFAO Pariah is one of the WORST GAMES OF ALL TIME.
Best FPS since Halo 2!
That line alone reveals how biased and hype influenced the review is.

My fear with all 360 reviews is how hype influenced they are.
.. because it's impossible pd0 can be that good, even though we've never played it and we're all paranoid.
SearanoX said:
Sevens and eights? Project Gotham 3 got a perfect ten.

I watched the co-op video. Looks pretty cool. Though the graphics and all that didn't really blow me away (and the framerate seemed unstable, but that's forgivable seeing as how it was being played split-screen), everything looks really, really intense. Reminded me quite a bit of the first game...but much faster in pace. Why Joanna had to free those scientists is kind of bugging me, though...she's a spy, not some grunt unit.

What do you keep saying about the framerate? It looks smooth as ice. Steady without a hitch.

This game reminds me so much of Goldeneye. Thats a good thing indeed.
Raziel-Jcd said:
LMFAO Pariah 8.9? LMFAO Pariah is one of the WORST GAMES OF ALL TIME.

I second this. The review brings tears to your eyes - just don't read OXM UK.
I'm sure PD0 will be good. But i seriously seriously seriously doubt that it will be anywhere near the quality of the original one.
Considering PD0 is the closest thing Microsoft will have to a Halo launch equivalent for the 360 and we are seeing very little in the way of advertising and hype, it is beginning to make me worry. Especially since the game was really rushed to make launch date.

Also after reading this completely unofficial review, its not even using a final build but it is still making me worry:
The Mullinator said:
Considering PD0 is the closest thing Microsoft will have to a Halo launch equivalent for the 360 and we are seeing very little in the way of advertising and hype, it is beginning to make me worry. Especially since the game was really rushed to make launch date.

Also after reading this completely unofficial review, its not even using a final build but it is still making me worry:

Mull, they didn't say the game was rushed, they said they started pressing copies of the discs before it had passed certification, since the Rare team knew it was ready( having been playing with it everyday for so long), becuase they wanted to make sure it got on store shelves 15 days earlier.

Everything he said is a bunch of worthless bullshit. How are you even going to review a game based on an unfinished version?

not being able to jump? How high can you even jump carrying machine guns and shit? I mean this isn't basketball. /sarcasm Everytime I am running around killing people I always feel the need to jump all over the place.

Goldeneye you can't jump that didn't stop that from being great.

Basically he said he played it on easy and complained it was too easy, but didn't even realize it was on easy and that he couldn't really hear the sound and the monitor was small and dim and that he has ADD. :hmph:

If you liked goldeneye or perfect dark you will like Perfect dark zero. If you didn't like goldeneye or perfect dark you won't like PDzero.

If you haven't played either than take my word for it, they were totally ****ing sweet. :thumbs:

Like i said before, i could care less what score this game gets anyway, I know I will love it. :)

I guess what I'm saying is; how can you review a game if you can't hardly see it or hear it on an unfinshed version no less.
VirusType2 said:
Mull, they didn't say the game was rushed, they said they started pressing copies of the discs before it had passed certification, since the Rare team knew it was ready( having been playing with it everyday for so long), becuase they wanted to make sure it got on store shelves 15 days earlier.
There's also the fact that they cut some features out of the multiplayer in order to meet the launch deadline. Still, since they're multiplayer features they could be implimented through an Xbox Live download after launch. So, that's not a huge deal... unless maybe you happened to be planning on having a PD0 LAN game with 50 players (now limited to 32) or using "DataDyne TV" to let people watch clan games... but you don't have an Internet connection. :p
Don't trust official magazines, ever, wait for the Edge review or something.
TalkXBOX 9.7/10

GamersReports 8.8/10

Perfect Dark Zero is the game to get for the Xbox 360. From the fantastic gameplay to the gorgeous graphics to the incredible amount of replay value, every gamer should experience this game. It features every multiplayer option you could want, and the feature list reads like a multiplayer gamer’s wet dream. There are a few small issues- some levels aren’t that great, for example- but, in the end, they don’t really detract from the game as a whole. When you have a title of this size, everything can’t be top-notch. However, the replay value can be, and is. You will be playing this game for years and years to come; if you are getting one title for your Xbox 360, make it Perfect Dark Zero.