Perfect Dark Zero roundup


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
I'm surprised to notice that no-one's jumped to make new threads with the recent new media of PDZ out, so I thought I'd lump them all together in this thread:

New SP shots:



Older MP shots:




It's really starting to come together now - those SP shots are gorgeous, albeit a little small.
Wow, that first picture looks awesome, and that isn't even using the xbox 360 right?
All of these shots are still on the alpha kits, yes, which represent 20-30% of the Xbox 360's power.

Oh yeah, there's also information about the MP maps in PDZ. There are only six (hold your flames for a second), but each one is apparently larger than all of the Halo 2 maps combined - it uses a system like BF2, where they are scaled for the amount of people playing, or you can even choose the section of the map that you want to play. Very cool.
Axyon said:
All of these shots are still on the alpha kits, yes, which represent 20-30% of the Xbox 360's power.

Oh yeah, there's also information about the MP maps in PDZ. There are only six (hold your flames for a second), but each one is apparently larger than all of the Halo 2 maps combined - it uses a system like BF2, where they are scaled for the amount of people playing, or you can even choose the section of the map that you want to play. Very cool.

Very very cool :D
Thats pretty smart actually :D

I just hope the SP will live up to the original...
Axyon said:
All of these shots are still on the alpha kits, yes, which represent 20-30% of the Xbox 360's power.

Oh yeah, there's also information about the MP maps in PDZ. There are only six (hold your flames for a second), but each one is apparently larger than all of the Halo 2 maps combined - it uses a system like BF2, where they are scaled for the amount of people playing, or you can even choose the section of the map that you want to play. Very cool.
Wow that is awesome, they are so large you can chose a section of the map to play in :D
looks really cool, as you said, it looks like it's coming together.
hopefully it makes the system's launch, and is an excellent game.
Axyon said:
All of these shots are still on the alpha kits, yes, which represent 20-30% of the Xbox 360's power.

Oh yeah, there's also information about the MP maps in PDZ. There are only six (hold your flames for a second), but each one is apparently larger than all of the Halo 2 maps combined - it uses a system like BF2, where they are scaled for the amount of people playing, or you can even choose the section of the map that you want to play. Very cool.

Very encouraging. If they include a challenge system like the first game, I can picture many interesting scenarios with maps that big.
woohoo \o/

Xbox 360 it is :) (and a Revolution, of course)
so maybe this game won't look like shite after all, i'm still waiting to see gameplay
Dan you dirty Rare apes!!! Damn you!!!
I'm looking forward to this, I hope it doesn't disappoint. What I'm most looking forward to about this game is the Dark Ops mode which is essentially Counter-Strike right down to the money for weapons, limited amount of weapon slots and team based elimination rules (plus when you die you become a spectator). Although it hasn't yet been confirmed if there will be objectives for this mode I'm sure there will be. It definitely sounds like a solid console alternative to Counter-Strike.

According to the game content is actually finished so they can essentially use the remainder of their time getting the graphics up to true next-gen quality and making sure the online game etc. is up to scratch.

One thing I was disappointed to hear was that they are only shooting for 30FPS which seems very low for something with the raw power of the Xbox360. Which begs the question will HDTV and SDTV have differing framerates? Considering SDTV will obviously need less system resources.

I also hope the physics are up to par, the smearing sand over the level sounds like a nice touch and so does this parallax mapping technique they are apparently making good use of.
It looks nice but not really what I was expecting from "next-gen". Hopefully by the time of the 360 launch, they will have made some considerable updates. I have faith in Rare though. They've always made high quality titles.
Icarusintel said:
so maybe this game won't look like shite after all, i'm still waiting to see gameplay

You doubt Rare's gameplay. This is a sad, sad day.

This is all droolworthy stuff. I am more interested in the content details though. Graphics don't interest me.
Oh man, I dunno about Rare. After the N64, a huge amount of the employees left to work on games like Timesplitters for different companies. I really hope this game is anywhere near as good as the original, but... god, think about the last game Rare released!
:naughty: The first and last shots are AMAZING!
Here's an EGM roundup by a member of a different forum

There's 28 weapons, every one with a secondary function that is accessed using the left shoulder button. not the L trigger, but the shoulder button. 8 of the 28 guns also have a third function, usually a mode of vision or cloaking.

Looks like the bots are all very customizable, you can even tell them in what order you want them to drop out of the game as your friends enter. They said the AI is so good you can have a team of 30 guys against one super smart/accurate bot.

There will be no proximity voice ala halo 2 bc Rare wants to keep it clean. (trash talking). Also, they said that the big teams of 32 or so can be split into four teams and you can talk only to your team of 8 or so. Then you use the D-pad to talk to the other teams. This is extremely useful when you have ateam of medics, a team of gunners, a team of snipers, and a team of demolitioners.

There's two main gamemodes, deathmatch and dark ops. Deathmatch will include all the standards, CTF, slayer, team slayer, yadayada, but dark ops will be where each memer of each team has one life to spend. When you die, you watch from the spectator mode. Also, medics can run around and heal fallen teammates, bringing them back to life. think they only have a limited supply of reheals though. They said demolitions teams could plant charges to blow holes in walls for access into enemy bases. All of the guns and equipment are purchased in the "spawn room" before the round starts, but there's only so many rocket launchers, so many health rejuvenators, so many gadgets, lockboxes, vehicles, you name it. Not everyone can buy a rocketlauncher.

The evasive rolls can be controlled after you start rolling, so a good sniper can't just anticipate where you will pop up. You can't shoot while rolling, and you take more damage if hit while rolling.

The cover system sounds cool, and reminds me of the gears of war deal. You press a to take cover, then you see your reticle. Aim it where you want, and when you press the R trigger, you pop up in first person perspective and shoot. Release R to return to cover.

Health sounds a lot like Halo 1. You have shock damage and permanent damage.

There's no jump button. The rolling and cover replace it, meaning there will be less bouncing around and no "bunny hopping" you see in games like COD. Also, if you run against a wall or fence for a second, you'll automatically climb over it.

The levels are huge as we know, about 12 times as big as "sidewinder" from halo 1. You can also lay down "waypoint markers" for your teammates to see.

The radar picks up enemies based on sound. Bigger the weapon they fire, the longer they stay on your radar. You can actually tell what sort of weapn an opponent has by watching the radar. There's also a sort of map in the radar like you've seen in the pics.

The kill TV sounds sweet, it's basically the big spectator mode we've all heard about, but you can watch anybody you want. They will have online leaderboards so you can watch the best and steal some of their tricks.

One weapon is your fists. its secondary funtion is "disarm" to take guns away from your opponents.

You can duel wield smaller weapons ala halo 2.

The left trigger in fact throws grenades, so nades won't be a seperate weapon like in some games.

They will have co-op over xbox live, maybe with four players. Also, the counter op mode is back, allowing you to play through the campaign while your buddies play the bad guys.

The motorcycle can have a driver and a gunner on the back. There's a hovercraft that can seat as many people that can fit on it. They can all shoot but one person can man "a very powerful gun on the back."

Every guns reticle starts small, but as you continue to shoot it gets bigger, kinda like Call of duty. This combined with the cover feature makes firefights seem more like tactical ballets where players move from one spot to the next taking cover and firing with short bursts rather than just running at each other guns blazing. <--------This is probably my favorite thing i've heard about the game so far. Sounds wicked.

And lastly, they reiterate that the game is ruuning on 25-30% of the hardware specs of the 360.
^This settles it, I'm 100% getting a XB360+HDTV!
They just seem to have taken different aspects of games and spliced them all together. Not necessarily a bad thing, but still.
I can't believe they're actually working on this puppy.

Thought I'd never see the day.....
SimonomiS said:
They just seem to have taken different aspects of games and spliced them all together. Not necessarily a bad thing, but still.

Not really, everything excpet the CS style gametype was present in the original (bar a few extras)

This is my most wanted game now :)
Warbie said:
Not really, everything excpet the CS style gametype was present in the original (bar a few extras)

This is my most wanted game now :)

Same here. I will defenitely get a 360 over a PS3 now because so far, this is the only next-gen game that has really got me excited.

I hope that they remake the original PD now. It has aged an awful lot. Although it has no worse graphics than HL1. If only PD had mouse and keyboard controls. It would rock so hard.
The only thing that would force me to get a PS3 would be if RE5 was a Sony exclusive. Other than that I agree with you - Revolution and Xbox all the way.

(I actually think Golden Eye and Perfect Dark would be beyond awful with mouse and keyboard control though ;))
My balls just dropped. =/

I'm not sure what to get now, PS3 or X-Box 2. Eugh, decisions, decisions.
I can't afford a console just for one game. Plus the X-Box will have a pretty hefty price tag, no?
My loyalty to Nintendo shall not sway!
SimonomiS said:
I can't afford a console just for one game. Plus the X-Box will have a pretty hefty price tag, no?
My loyalty to Nintendo shall not sway!

X360 will be around $299 at launch.
How do you know how much its going to cost? 299 seems low.

I think whats most amazing is that each pd0 MP map is as big as every halo 2 map combined :\
HOLY COW IN HELL!!! (Not Diablo 2) :E

That looks like another game to add to my list! I never saw too much on it so these screens are new to me..Thanks Moderator of Joy!! :thumbs:
Natty1 said:
I also hope the physics are up to par, the smearing sand over the level sounds like a nice touch and so does this parallax mapping technique they are apparently making good use of.
Building on that, it's apparent that the sand particle clouds kicked up throughout the level aren't just for visuals - they move with the wind and settle on people that move through them, and this helps to see those with cloaking devices enabled. I'd say the physics are up to par ;)
I'm interested but I feel doubtful that I'll get an Xbox 360 just to play a few games.

The only reason I got a gamecube was the style of games are unique. I've yet to find any decent Zelda style game on another system, and the unique control system of metroid prime makes it feel like a FPZ (first person zelda)

I guess with other distractions (PC, Paintball, girlfriend, car) suckin money the Xbox 360 is gonna have to have a seriously strong game load to warrent my ever depeleting resources.

BTW, Perfect Dark looks awsome, I loved PD on the N64, and was kinda gutted when Nintendo gave up Rare.

Sadly this looks like another game I'll miss out on due to no PC release :(