Perfect dark zero?


Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
Im getting an Xbox 360 for Christmas and I know I'm getting GoW. I'm wondering if Perfect Dark Zero is a good game. I am getting Xbox Live and it supports 40 players so I want something that has lots of replay value. So should i get Perfect Dark Zero or a different game?

thanks in advanced
I'd give it a miss - PDZ isn't nearly as good as the original. It isn't a bad game, and co-op is can be great fun, but there are better games to check out.
It isn't very good, infact, alot of it is pretty 'meh'. Though a few levels stand out, one in particular - the night club. Several bouts of awesome in there. Worth the price of the game? Not really.
I'm still amazed they managed to make a game that feels more dated than the first Perfect Dark.
I still cry into my pillow every night over this game. And the general terribleness of Rare now.
Not worth it for an enormous array of reasons. Level design, controls, balance, AI, storyline, voice acting, arbitrary "fun" level, etc.
I got it last christmas with my 360, I beat on on easy, didn't seem worth it to go through it again. although the last level is a bit unrealistic. But I did make loads of friends on Live. Live is okay... Especially jetpack fights! XD
It isn't very good, infact, alot of it is pretty 'meh'. Though a few levels stand out, one in particular - the night club. Several bouts of awesome in there. Worth the price of the game? Not really.

isn't it cheaper by now?
I agree with all of the above. Got it as one of the titles with my 360. At first it was like "oooh, pretty" then half way through the game i put it down, and never picked it up again.
ouch that bad? I loved the original...this is one of the games Ive anticipated for a looong afraid it'll ruin the perfect dark name for me for now on :(
It ruined the PD name for a lot of people. I think Edward Scissorhands learnt us an important lesson.