Performance Inhancers.........

Dec 7, 2004
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ok i been so eager to ask this....has anyone stumbled apon any new performance tweaks. I know the tweaker has been release but that did help....if any one has plz post wat they are, and wat effect they will have if used. For any graphics card aswell
That's enhancements.. But no, other then turning of cl_smooth (setting it to 0) and downloading the new beta drivers from Nvidia (gave me a 20-30% increase in fps, kinda silly) I can't suggest anything else

Edit: Omega drivers for Ati seem good
I hear Cialis is good, don't need it though.

I can see a great deal of thought went in to the thread title...
ok maybe i should be abit more clear LOL, i ment performance tweaks for half-life 2, and for any of u who
ve tried the "enhancements" good on u for trying new things ;)
Evolution_rulz said:
ok maybe i should be abit more clear LOL, i ment performance tweaks for half-life 2, and for any of u who
ve tried the "enhancements" good on u for trying new things ;)

Here is a some stuff that was posted in various places. I collected the info together and named it "stutter.txt".

Sound file extraction has been a good fix for many people.

1. Get GFCScape and install it.

2. Double click on C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\source sounds.gcf

3. Navigate in the left pane of CFGscape until "sound" shows in the right pane.

4. Right click and extract the "sound" folder to the C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\half-life 2\hl2\ folder.

This has helped many many people to get rid of stuttering.

** NOTE: BE SURE TO READ THE EULA TO SEE IF YOU ARE ALLOWED TO DO THIS. I take no responsibility for your actions. **

Also, keep this in mind. Pre-patch most people had luck with:

sv_forcepreload "1" // Preloads game assets at start of level
cl_forcepreload "1" // Preloads game assets at start of level

Post patch some had to go to:
sv_forcepreload "0"
cl_forcepreload "0"

Be sure to read this about the HL2 patch: It basically gave people this setting:
mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware "1"
and a a tradeoff.

"The end result, at least of my system, is that there is now a tradeoff. I can have a smooth overall frame rate, but with stuttering, or I can eliminate the stuttering but have intermittent frame rate decreases."

I prefer the combination of the settings and sound file extraction method listed below:

sv_forcepreload "1"
cl_forcepreload "1"
mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware "0"

Plus, be sure to get contig and read this thread:
Me said:

Go there ^ read....

Then download contig. The readme explains how to use the program contig to to defrag your specific HL2 files.

You must go to

Start>Run> then type in "cmd" to get a command console.

When the cmd console opens, it shows:

C:\Documents and Settings\yourname>

In the command console, go to the direcotory where contig.exe is stored. For me it was:


For DOS newbs this required me to enter at the command prompt "g:"

C:\Documents and Settings\yourname>g:

which begat


Then I entered:

G:\>cd Downloads\Utilities\Contig

This putme into the contig folder:


I used a two switches to defrag all files in all subfolders and print out the results. The command I used looked like this:

G:\Downloads\Utilities\Contig>contig -s -v "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\*.*"

The quotes have to be used because of the space in Program Files.

Many people did not use *.* at the end and only defragged the .gcf files.

For that the cmd line would have been:

G:\Downloads\Utilities\Contig>contig -v "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\*.gcf"

This put me from 4.06 fragments per file on average to 1.27 fragments/file.

Finally, has the best collection (10 pages) of HL2 information on the planet.

Other tweeks that have helped some are:

disable valve.avi at the start of the game - for faster load
disable the fancy schmancy menu background you get when starting the game - for much faster load
disable autosave - for ingame stuttering

Those 3 items are also listed in the 10 page tweak guide.
thx very much i shall try a few of these out, just trying to get the most out of my 9600se before upgrading again thx
MiccyNarc said:
I hear Cialis is good, don't need it though.


watch out for those erections lasting over 4 hours
LMAO ok ok enough of wat troubles ur having lol (JKS) anyway trying all the tweaks guys thx