Periculum Goes Public

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
We've received word that Periculum, a modification for Half-Life 2, has gone online with some media shots of some concept art that looks fantastic:[br]
[br]Here is some insight into what Periculum is all about:
Periculum is a mod which utilizes its own style of horror all from the imagination of Brad "UberSoldat" Newsom. Periculum is based on actual events surrounding conspiracies and theories about dark secrets which the Government is hiding. The main character 'Rolfe Harkom' is caught in the middle of a deadly snow storm at home with his family. Upon discovery of clues one after another, Rolfe will discover something that will forever change his life.
I like the sound of this one, and if you do too there may be some interest for you in joining their team. They're currently looking for a myriad of different talents and more information can be found out about this here.
They want a Book Publisher? Eh? Is this mod in very early stages, or have they simply not posted much info up yet?
We have been in production for 2 years. 1 year ago we scrapped the story, threw everything away and started over. Now we made great progress, which I feel is good but we need to keep on working to get this mod done. The reason why we need a book publisher is because we have made a novel for the mod. We also have had the idea of releasing the Mod Sountrack with the novel. The soundtrack includes many bands who dedicated there work to Periculum. It also includes the original music used in the mod. ;) Thanks for the comments by the way. If you need any more info please conctact me at [email protected]
Is it possible for snow to reach 2.5 miles high? Isn't that above the atmosphere, or at least above the part where rain forms. Besides that it sounds good. Funny, my friends tag on CS is ubersoldat. Keep up the good work though, mod looks good.
Yeh its impossible for the weather to reach that high. But as impossible it is, it does create an aura of confusion and that something wierd is happening.
already better than doom 3. if they made a doom 3 novel this is how it would go:

mars. baddies. skeletons with rocket launchers wtf? the end.
Looks very very nice and pretty bloody scary! The Replicator freaks me out!
Looking forward to seeing Mesh play Periculum :E (For you who saw Mesh play some Doom III levels.)

"This is not real...This is not real.. AHHHHHHH!HHHHHHHH!!"
"You're all gibs."

Love Mesh :D
Also, a heads up to you all, we will be getting a interview soon. Also we maybe featured/interviewed byPC Gamer and CGM.
Oddly reminds me of that movie, Stephen King I think, "The Night Flyer"
Couldn't find any information on the site (either it's not there or I'm too tired...) so I assume it's a single player mod, yes?
I think your tired. If you go to the About section which shows the story and some other info including that it is singleplayer and multiplayer.
Best of both worlds :) I'll keep an eye on this one, looks promising. Nice work!

Now I'll sleep, should ensure I don't make any more silly mistakes, eh? :P
The concept art is very cute, i want one of the creatures with the big teeth as a pet or something..

anyways, looks to be topping my list for HL2 mods to play :)
yeah this is definitely gonna be a great mod, i can safely say that based on a story and some concept art!
talent and skills? no they are not important!
First one in the trenchcoat seems a little bulky/out of proportion. Alien has been done too much. No offense, but a mod does need critics.. not only praise.
sublidieminal said:
First one in the trenchcoat seems a little bulky/out of proportion. Alien has been done too much. No offense, but a mod does need critics.. not only praise.

not meaning to own you here or anything but they aren't human ....... so why the hell are you expecting them to be in proportion??

The concepts look great. This is gonna be quite interesting. Keep up the good work guys.
Negative points for using "Ubersoldat" anywhere.
I'm the original UberSoldat by the way. ;) Used long before most people.
You should add a proofreader/editor to your list. The writing on the site is chock full of typos, misspellings, poor usage, and bad grammar.
notmydesk said:
You should add a proofreader/editor to your list. The writing on the site is chock full of typos, misspellings, poor usage, and bad grammar.

maybe they can just hire that "chewahwah" hahaha
Oh I am so sorry. I knew I shouldve listen to Sarah (The Lead Concept Artist). She told me that she can point out the errors, but I was busy and I said "I'll do it tomorrow". Anyways guys, it will be fixed soon. Thanks for the support, the more support the more moral and the better the quality the mod will be. Thanks a lot.
They aren't human? How then does the multiplayer connect to the single player? Or are there both 'alien' monsters and infected humans in the single player? And is it an alien virus? Inquiring minds want to know.
Well you will find out in the coming interview. I won't disclose anymore info.