Personal ID Chips


Dec 3, 2004
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I was over on CAD the other day and there was an article by the author about a chip that was embedded in his pet so that it could be identified by scanning it and he went on to say - "why not humans?"

And why not - It is true that this would have to be strictly policed so that information is not accessible easily to those who shouldn't see it and tampering is difficult. But really wouldn't the only people objecting be those who had something to hide?!

It has numerous advantages from identifying bodies & lost people to checking ACTUAL identifications (though I'm sure terrorist organisations and desperate people would find ways around this)

Anyway, just wondering what you would think of a chip embedded in your skin and updated with things like a drivers license and more as you travelled through your life...
I like the idea, but some hacker might get control of the system.
Sounds like it could be painful to get one. D:
I think it's wrong, somehow ... why not tattoo a barcode on each of us, it's almost the same damn thing.
Anyway, just wondering what you would think of a chip embedded in your skin and updated with things like a drivers license and more as you travelled through your life...
Eheh, double take on that one... I thought you said we'd need to download drivers for ourselves. D:

I don't see the point really, we have perfectly good methods of identification as it is (cards, papers, fingerprints, dental records etc.), all of which can be bypassed just as much as any microchip.

Chips that help track our day to day grind is a different matter entirely.
Meh, It actually makes me think of the numbers that were concentration camp folk during WW2. :|
It's pretty the same thing isn't it?
Meh, It actually makes me think of the numbers that were concentration camp folk during WW2. :|
It's pretty the same thing isn't it?
PRECISELY why a system like this should NEVER be implemented. The current crop of politicians might not misuse it, but what about the next one. Do you want to take that risk?

Anyone that supports this idea, read 1984.
This technonlogy is already being used in American hospitals to track patients movements.

The criminal technology underworld is always one step ahead of the security experts. Intead of criminals going through your bin bags to steel your identity all they would have to do is knock up a wireless ID scanner. In theory they could steel countless ID's by sitting in a cafe scanning unaware victims.
Chips are way too expensive, though.
NO, never will i accept anything like that.
I cannot stand anything having more control over my life than me.

If anyone ever attempts to control me beyond a certain point they will pay the price, if the government ever tried to pull something like this on me it will be the start of a project.
Read it.. interesting book, doesn't mean ID chips bother me :P I mean, if they could make it so they can read your thoughts and see what you see/hear what you hear and electrocute you with it if you break a law, then yes, i would have a problem with it :P but as an alternative to ID cards I think it's an alright idea.

We already carry ID, and anyone with a mobile can be traced already.. and with the amount of security cameras in the uk around we've already lost our privacy. It wouldn't be a huge change imo
I don't think the fact that personal privacy in this country is already in a terrible state is an argument for making it even worse.

The idea that law-abiding citizens have nothing to fear from their government, and so should just roll over and let the state do whatever it wants to them, is horrible. Worse, I think it's dangerous. As someone said earlier, even if the current crop of politicians are trustworthy, what about the next? Noone seems to understand the danger of precedents any more (eg. 'But we don't WANT him ruling that country, RAAAAGH!').

And let's face it the current bunch are just flat out NOT trustworthy - look at the DVLA selling off motorists' personal details, and other examples of the government giving away big clumps of private info 'by accident'. Look at every single IT system the government has tried to set up in recent years (Child Support Agency roffle) and how shambolic it's been, and ask yourself if you would want these people being custodians for the info which tells people exactly where you are at any given time of the day and what you're doing. There's no big universal force of JUSTICEtm protecting you from mistakes by law-enforcement either - 3 recent shootings of innocents by the stupidly trigger happy Metropolitan Police (our third political party) prove that. There's also the fact that there's not a single strong argument in favour of chips or ID cards or whatever. Kind of a bummer.

This kind of passive attitude ties into our consumer culture, too. There's a reason why we're called Ripoff Britain; why we pay through the nose for stuff and suffer sickeningly bad customer service - it's because we're stupid enough to put up with it. As Brits we really need to learn to stop taking it so solidly up the arse, just generally.
NO, never will i accept anything like that.
I cannot stand anything having more control over my life than me.

If anyone ever attempts to control me beyond a certain point they will pay the price, if the government ever tried to pull something like this on me it will be the start of a project.

How is this controlling you? It's just putting an identification chip in you - not a processor so that you will carry out evil doings! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

It would be handier than having to carry ID's everywhere and would eliminate u18s from being in MY pubs and nightclubs..."you forgot your ID did you" *swipe* "well come back when you're 18 and remember it..."

But I would be worried about details being sold on...Unfortunately no matter what ID system is out there it would still be possible to overcome it, possibly making terrorists more dangerous.

(Also, it's not a tracking system that I was talking about - just a way of ID-ing someone if you ran a scanner over the chip - like in a supermarket (barcode analogy that was used earlier) )
I love this idea, when put it like that. Catching criminals would be so much easier. Just like the retina scanners in Minority Report.
Just like the retina scanners in Minority Report.
^That's exactly what I thought of at first!^

We are pretty close to this now as it is--credit cards, ATM cards, subway cards, mobile/cellular phones, portable videogame systems--practically everything we do nowadays is tracked somehow.

Still, like Laivasse said, no reason to make it even worse!
We use RFID tags at work to open doors. I wouldn't care to be honest, if the hardware was in my hand (for example) instead of hanging around my neck.

If you're talking about a credit/debit card, what's the benefit of doing this? The convenience of not having a card to whip out? Save a couple seconds at the checkout? Preventing identity theft? More security? I don't find that this technology (now anyway) adequately addresses what one would want to gain by using it.

If you're talking about a tracking chip, that's just silly, Orwellian-style.
How is this controlling you? It's just putting an identification chip in you - not a processor so that you will carry out evil doings! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

It's control if it's mandatory, they swipe you and you don't have an ID the cell you go, only to be released if you get one.

If it's a choice then fine, if you want a chip in you.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I think its a nice idea for pets though. Harmless, painless, and a great way to find a lost little friend.
Read it.. interesting book, doesn't mean ID chips bother me :P I mean, if they could make it so they can read your thoughts and see what you see/hear what you hear and electrocute you with it if you break a law, then yes, i would have a problem with it :P but as an alternative to ID cards I think it's an alright idea.

We already carry ID, and anyone with a mobile can be traced already.. and with the amount of security cameras in the uk around we've already lost our privacy. It wouldn't be a huge change imo

But, thats the whole point...

Your just taking the fun out of it :/
I would sooner die than have a microchip imbedded in me. And some day that's what it will come to.
i wouldnt need a Microchip....if anyone needs to know where i am, Call me cell. I am attachted to that thing like its my life. :)
whats the point? its not like we have trouble identifying people once theyre under custody.
But when they aren't under custody, it makes... certain problems....
Though I have nothing to hide right now. I'd like to reserve the right to have something to hide in the future. If that makes sense.
We use RFID tags at work to open doors. I wouldn't care to be honest, if the hardware was in my hand (for example) instead of hanging around my neck.

If you're talking about a credit/debit card, what's the benefit of doing this? The convenience of not having a card to whip out? Save a couple seconds at the checkout? Preventing identity theft? More security? I don't find that this technology (now anyway) adequately addresses what one would want to gain by using it.

If you're talking about a tracking chip, that's just silly, Orwellian-style.
as your credit cards become imbedded into your hand... the rate of dismemberment goes up...
I wouldn't be opposed to this personally, as long as it stays optional and only a ID chip (no gps or anything), I hate fumbling through my wallet for various pieces of paper or plastic saying I'm such and such age or I have such and such license.
Thanks to the mark of the beast paranoia in Christians and a strong support for privacy among ACLU type liberals we can be sure that this isn’t coming to America for a long time.

It turns out bible thumpers were useful for something!