PES4 \o/


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Anyone else got pro evo 4?

I can't remember the last time I had so much fun playing a video game ........ best footy/sports game ever.

Will be online soon to show off my mad skillz ;) (am a bit shit really :/ , but getting the hang of it)
after ordering WoW i haven't got enough cash to buy it now :( have to wait till christmas, and drop a few nuclear sized hints to my friends/family ;)

i'm in a bit of a muddle though. i can buy it for my xbox or my pc. i already have a PS2 controller and usb adapter that i used for PES3 on my pc, but i'm not sure whether it's gonna be better suited on the xbox. did you buy it for pc? would you recommend it over it's console counterpart?
I'd get it on the XBox.

PES has always a console game first :) sitting round a tv and playing with 1-3 friends is great fun. It's also very good on XBox live (never short of ppl to play against)

I'm finding the controller-s to be fine, but you can always use your ps2 pad with a converter (which many ppl are doing)

Top game \o/