Pesmerga's Bodily Issues


Nov 20, 2004
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Alright, so Pes has been having some problems... here they are:

"1) Red, hot hot feet. Whenever my feet get even mildly warm, they redden up like tomatos. I have to move them around to clear them up, or let the blood flow up my body by raising my legs above my torso. What's up with that?

2) Dry dry face. When I take a shower, I have to soap my face, then SCRUB my skin with my hands to remove what seems to be, dead skin. If I don't, my face will dry up like nobody's business. Nasty shit, but I haven't lived with this problem forever, just started freshman year of highscool. It takes me a good 10 minutes to scrub all that dead skin off my face. This also plagues a good majority of my body, but not so much than my face!

3) Whenever I fold my left leg into itself, it cracks. Every, single, time. What's up with that?"


I sort of have the answer to #3: everyone's legs do that.
The powers that be prevent such a thing!

The dead skin sounds as if its just drying out to me, have you tried moisturising it? Also try not scrubbing it like you do, that can cause you to dry it out by removing all your natural oils in your skin. Try a combination of that with a moisturiser and your skin should get much better.

Feet could be due to poor circulation, try moving your feet a bit more (get up you lazy git!), and circling with your ankles and toe curling. The muscle contractions push against your veins to push blood around the body, back to the heart (which is why we move in our sleep).

The clicky leg could just be rubbing cartiledge, or just normal air pockets between your bones being displaced. Nothing to worry about, infact you are blessed which such a party trick. (Don't over do it though, expect early arithitus after 1,000,000 clicks)

Hope that helps, goodnight.
JNightshade said:
2) Dry dry face. When I take a shower, I have to soap my face, then SCRUB my skin with my hands to remove what seems to be, dead skin. If I don't, my face will dry up like nobody's business. Nasty shit, but I haven't lived with this problem forever, just started freshman year of highscool. It takes me a good 10 minutes to scrub all that dead skin off my face. This also plagues a good majority of my body, but not so much than my face!

Moisturise. Wash your face (preferably not with a bog standard soap, something designed to wash your face), pat it dry with a towel, apply moisturiser straight away. I use this:


It's good, expensive but it lasts for a while. Don't slap shitloads on. If you still get dry skin, perhaps look into using E45.

As for scrubbing off dry skin, don't use your hands, use an exfoliating wash. St. Ives do a good one:


Don't use it every day though. The moisturising should stop the skin from drying out, but exfoliate maybe once/twice a week still.
Tell him to stop playing WoW/Guild Wars and play Oblivion like me and Foxtrot
2) Dry dry face. When I take a shower, I have to soap my face, then SCRUB my skin with my hands to remove what seems to be, dead skin. If I don't, my face will dry up like nobody's business. Nasty shit, but I haven't lived with this problem forever, just started freshman year of highscool. It takes me a good 10 minutes to scrub all that dead skin off my face. This also plagues a good majority of my body, but not so much than my face!

I suffer from the same thing. Its very inconvenient. After I take a shower, I have to wait to let my face dry, then moisten it with water, several times over.
Wow, I think I have the same problem. Only, my skin is real oiley anyways, so I don't have that problem too severly.
Aquaphore is magic. I use that shit constantly, and it's the best thing ever for dried up skin.
Tell him to down some H2SO4...That should clear up all his problems
Raziaar said:
I suffer from the same thing. Its very inconvenient. After I take a shower, I have to wait to let my face dry, then moisten it with water, several times over.

Use a moisturiser, it'll save you having to re-wet your face constantly
Am I the only one who first read this thread as "Pesmerga's Bodily Tissues"?
Ennui said:
pesmerga does not want to be unbanned. i've offered it to him.

He'd much rather operate under the guise of another forum member which noone suspects........:naughty:
lotion cures all

why doesnt he want to be unbanned? does he hate us that much haha
No, but we hate him. He's only a freshman? Let's trashcan his ass.
Sorry to bump this thread, but thank you for your help! My face is doing pretty well, well it's only night #2, but by this time my face is usually all ****ed up with dry skin, but the lotion did the trick. So far.

Will report Day 3 conclusions tomorrow.

Edit - Still no cure for the red feet? I've searched all over WebMD for anything like this, but I couldn't find anything. I'm pretty active, I bike two miles every day, to the point where I'm exhausted after it (and usually it's against the wind)
Well, he did spend most of today in a helicopter and getting blown up. Of course his legs are going to hurt. :rolling:

Edit: I do not read dates of threads. Ever. D: