Phantom Console > On Demand Gaming Service


Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
The First-On-Demand Gaming Service >

Basically its a pc which plays most pc games ( connected to broadband ) onto your tv, you can try games before you buy, when you buy, it downloads the game onto ur console (phantom) which is basically a PC! lol

anyways check it out for yourself.
read about it in a magazine. pretty cool, though i sure wont be buying one when ive got a pretty good pc right next to me.
Im with ghost, I will not play and game on a gamepad on the crapy low res TV I have when there is two kickass computers in the basement.
doesnt use a gamepad, it uses a keyboard and mouse. and its meant for high definition tv.

i still wont get one though.
Its definately a niche console.

It seems its for pc gamers that have the money for a high def tv and want to play their games on something bigger then a monitor, or console gamers that don't like sitting at a computer to play games..

I for one like my computer, and think its a waste of money.
I don't get what's so special about it? it has a mouse, keyboard and a Geforce FX 5700

My pc pwns that so why bother. :P