Philosophers Project


May 1, 2005
Reaction score
Philosophers P R O J E C T
Hello, I'm {*HollywooD*}.You may know me from such mods as Opposing Shephard or C.H.A.O.S. I'm the Co-Leader for the Philosophers Project ( ). Philosophers Project is currently in need of some help, here's some information on the mod.

The Philosophers Project is going to be a total hl2 conversion based on the legendary tactical espionage game known as Metal Gear Solid, created by award winning director Hideo Kojima. Unlike almost every other modification of hl2 I've seen (in progress or already created and ready to play), the Philosophers Project will combine the art of great story construction and the action and suspense of a great game into one amazing product. I'm happy to say there are people that agree with me on making a mod with more story than action, and some mods are atempting to do it, But there are those who like games with more action than story. I am hoping to achieve both a story and action game into one product, but i need the help of skilled individuals to make it happen.

brief summary of the games features......

Many amazing features will be made for this game, one of them being enemy AI. For this mod, AI will be of the upmost importance for the enemy, to make them think and act like a human. If any of you have played any of the games for the MGS series, AI for the enemy is almost undistinquishable to a human's and that's what I hope to acheive for this mod. I also plan to make beatutiful and realistic enviroments of the jungle and man-made structures. Another undecided topic was if I should make it 1st or 3rd person, but a solution was made that it will be both 1st and 3rd, so people are able to enjoy the game in two diffrent ways.

S T O R Y(public version)
The public version of the story. This might change in the future.

1990, The Gulf War. A conflict that not only included the coalition forces of the United States and the military of Iraq, but was also acted upon by the rest of the political world.

While some of the countries of the United Nations started to eye down every move the Iraqis made in Kuwait, a new, and even bigger threat, was in the process of being created in the most unexpected place and time…..

July 1990, People’s Republic of the Congo. A secret rebellion broke out against the demands for a multi-party democracy for the government of the People’s Republic of the Congo. The Mysterious, and as of now Unknown, leader of the rebels had a conference with the president of the People’s Republic, Denis Sassou-Nguesso, about his mandatory demands. The Rebel leader told Mr. President for him to contact the United States and for them to meet his demands, or else he and his men will launch a full scale nuclear war.

Nguesso, knowing that he cannot control this type of situation due to an advent of an unstable government system, does not hesitate to call the United States about the situation.

At first, the US didn’t know if this was some kind of hoax of if it happened to be a real threat, and they didn’t want to transport troops there to make it a public affair or waste them on some half-baked scheme. They decided to send one of their prized tactical spies from REDFOX to do the job, Reina Soldado. Her mission was to find out where the exact location of the Congolese rebels was, what they were planning and eradicate whatever there plan was.

August 14 1990, People’s Republic of the Congo. After a few weeks of heavy surveillance on the rebels, Reina radios in vital information about the construction of a nuclear walking tank that could change warfare as we know it. This project is occurring in a secret base around the highest peak of the Congo, Mount Berongou. Reina also discovers that these rebels weren’t working alone, but were also being supported by Russian forces since the beginning of the revolt.

At 11:45 that night Reina sent her last radio transmission which was overwhelmed by a great amount of static and gunfire in the background. Her message stated, “The legacy has been fulfilled.” Baffled by this last transmission their agent sent, REDFOX has no clue if she had a weak signal, was captured by the enemy or worse…..

August 15 1990, REDFOX agency, USA. With the US leaving this whole engagement with the REDFOX agency, the department has no other option but to end it. Without them knowing if Reina is capable of completing her mission, the agency has to send a back-up team to accomplish it for her.

Amongst these collaborating spies is a man entrusted with a legendary codename… A man with the alias of Snake…


These are the types of people that are exactly needed for this type of game to become a sucess. This is a list of current positions that are open for anyone that wants to join the team:

~Programmers(For this mod we are going to need very skilled programmers to make it a sucess, if any skilled programmers need a challenge, I'm ready to put you up to it)

~Modelers(skilled modelers are needed to create the vast amounts of guns and characters for the mod)

~Mappers(Very Skilled Mappers needed to create amazing enviroments such as the jungle and industrial structures)

~Concept Artists(Needed to concept characters for our mod and bring out their unique details)

~Sound Artists(skilled composers that will bring out the feel of the game)

~Voice Actors(People that have the skill and the emotions of an actor to play out scenes and dialogue from the script)

~Script/Story Writer(will assist me on making a great story for the game)

~Web Designer/assistant Master(somone able of desgining a layout for the website and assist me on controling it)
Umm... I'll play nice cop here (wait till angry lawyer gets here to play mean cop) so...

Somehow I don't imagine that you'll be able to get away with a mod that uses another video game's IP, particularly IP that is still being actively developed.

Aside from the legal issues, I don't think you'll have much luck getting a whole team to work for you. As angry lawyer will tell you, start small, teach yourself C++, and then come back. :)
he's not, he's saying that it's gameplay and such is based off of Metal Gear Solid's, a better way to say it is that it's inspiration is MGS
You all know what I'll say about IP laws.

If you're making a mod "inspired by" MGS, i.e. a generic stealth game that has nothing to do with MGS apart from gameplay, you're treading safe grounds. But, start using the actual IP from MGS (i.e. Snake, the actual Gears and whatnot), then Kojima's lawyers will come down on you like a sack of bricks. No "fair use" clauses will save you, and it doesn't sound like you're doing a parody, so you'll have nothing to hide under. And using the excuse "Kojima won't care, we're only a mod" won't save you. If his lawyers see you as a threat, taking potential players away from the series to your mod, they'll shut you down. If they think you're just a few people fooling around, they'll shut you down for besmirching the name. If you fall somewhere outside these categories, they'll shut you down simply because they can. They can and will.

How many mods are you leading, anyways? It'd be better to focus on one and learn an applicable skill, like coding or mapping, then try and run several and offer no input other than ideas.

-Angry Lawyer
Honestly, you're probably in way over your head. You're hosted on a Bleach anime site which suggests you're probably not over 16 (I'm ageist). Also, MGS hardly has the most advanced AI, and it's certainly not "undistinquishable" from a human. I doubt you'd get away with displaying exclamation marks above their heads either.

I look at the list of positions and I only see you're name on the story, so what are you going to do when the story's complete? Sit around and do nothing while everyone else does the work? Coders generally should be mod leader if possible, not the story writer (no offense to any writers of course :).)

Like Angry Lawyer said - learn some kind of skill.
Nah, you shouldn't pick a team leader based on what position they have on the team. If the mod is single player and story based, then a story writer could definately make a good mod leader. Good organizational skills, better communcation skills, at least a basic understanding of every aspect of developement, and an ability to deligate work without too much micromanagement are the marks of a good team leader. Somebody who is egoless enough to listen to the people with technical skills when they have concerns, but who is also hard charging and convincing enough to get people to find solutions to difficult problems is what makes a good leader. A good team leader also has to have plenty of time to devote to the mod, and the drive to stick with it; because a leader who quits in the middle, or is less than active is one that will drive the mod into the ground. Team leader can be a full time job in itself. There's a reason most mods fail, and it's usually because they don't have somebody with these qualities in the leadership position(s).

If you're unlucky enough to get stuck with a group of people, none of which has the above qualities, then yeah, a coder probably makes the best lead because he'll at least have enough technical knowledge to make something that will run. Whether it will actually be fun or not is a whole different story.
The only time a storywriter becomes a good mod leader is when they have applicable skills, like mapping, in conjunction with it. Most mods that have leaders that don't have actual mod skills (apart from a few notable exceptions, you know who you are) fail miserably, because the leader doesn't know how much effort actually goes into making something.

-Angry Lawyer
...because the leader doesn't know how much effort actually goes into making something.

That would be the "basic knowledge" part. I don't really think it's any more likely that a coder would know how much effort goes into a map, or a piece of 2D art than anybody else who is not a mapper or a 2D artist.

The fact is that the majority of people are not good leaders. They think they are, and they think they know how to lead because they think it's all common sense. In reality there is much to know about social interaction and group behavior that is not intuative. Once in a very rare while you'll find a good natural leader, but it is very very rare.

Yes, thank god somone understands that. Not all people do....

A good leader doesnt have to know how to do these things for a modification, such as modeling, texturing, coding, Etc.(If the leader does, well thats even better for him). All the leader has to do is lead the team in the right direction, get work done on time, be strict and fair at the same time to all of your team members. Also thats what the team members jobs are, to do the work that they are suposed to do. Do you think Hideo did EVERY single job in all of those credits, for every sinlge MGS game out there? I don't think so. But the thing with Mr. Kojima is that he is a wonderful leader and always lead his team in the right direction for every single MGS game. He was able to give great descriptions on how he wants things to go, such as: his storyline and script, all of the characters and their features, the enviroment and its features, and much more. A good leader should always look up to Kojima as a idol, and as one of the best leaders out there in the gaming world....
Philosophers Project is in dire need for concept artists, you are needed to be able to draw characters for our mod and bring out their unique details.

Truthfully, organization is very KEY in leading a mod. I have lead my own mod for about a month now and although I do other things from sound to art, the biggest thing is keeping organized with peoples tasks and where the mod stands. Keeping track of the other developers progress can be a full mod job itself and I can tell you that from experience. Also, my mod is not the first project I have been a part of.
FictiousWill said:
What do you do for the mod. And don't say organization. That's BS.

I am the Co-Leader of the mod. Maybe you should read the top before you say anything.
Atlantic herring Clupea harengus is the most abundant species of fish on the planet as noted by the Guinness Book of Records. They can be found on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean congregating together in large schools or (swarms). They can grow up to 45 centimeters (approximately 18 inches) in length and weigh more than half a kilogram. They feed on copepods, krill and small fish, their natural predators are seals, whales, cod and other larger fish.

The Atlantic herring fishery has long been an important part of the economy of New England and the Canadian Maritime provinces, this is because the fish congregate relatively near to the coast in massive schools, notably in the cold waters of the semi-enclosed Gulf of Maine and Gulf of St. Lawrence. North Atlantic herring schools have been measured up to 4 cubic kilometers in size, containing an estimated 4 billion fish.

Hollywood, I strongly recommend you actually begin working on your multiple modifications rather than just continuously recruit for them. I don't think you have the slightest notion of how much work leading any one of the several mods you've announced your positions on is going to be and I suggest you focus on that instead.
I have to say Ennui is quite right indeed. I'm not sure if I can keep up with this, C.H.A.O.S and Blue Thunder. I'll see how I go in this week and I'll decide to stay or to go. We are still in need of people for this mod by the way.

PS. The position of assistant web master has been fulfilled.

PSS. Are you spying on me Ennui?
You are a funny guy Holly :p

And btw, your sig is wrong.
dassbaba said:
dassbaba wrote

wtf was that it was tottally off-topic also somthing else hat is off-topic what the hell ever happened to you'r mod kingdom lost?
SixThree said:
You are a funny guy Holly :p

And btw, your sig is wrong.

How is my sig wrong? Thanks, I am funny aren't I.

I have decided to quit the Philosophers Project mod due to inactivity of it and the need of focusing on my mod, C.H.A.O.S. I can only hope that my leaving will benefit the mod with a Co-Leader who can devote alot of his time to this mod. I say farewell now and wish you the best of luck.
Hollywood said:
I have to say Ennui is quite right indeed. I'm not sure if I can keep up with this, C.H.A.O.S and Blue Thunder. I'll see how I go in this week and I'll decide to stay or to go. We are still in need of people for this mod by the way.

PS. The position of assistant web master has been fulfilled.

PSS. Are you spying on me Ennui?
no, i just whore the help wanted forums.
Hollywood said:
I have decided to quit the Philosophers Project mod due to inactivity of it and the need of focusing on my mod, C.H.A.O.S. I can only hope that my leaving will benefit the mod with a Co-Leader who can devote alot of his time to this mod. I say farewell now and wish you the best of luck.
That's a step in the right direction. Now, if you learn some coding skills, you might reach a release.

-Angry Lawyer
Well I know a bit of modeling, and I'm learning how to animate. I can only hope its a good step in the right direction.
Just pick a trade and stick to it :p