PHL sleek new HL2 LOOK!!!!

wow that happened in the last minute as I was just there and the old look was still on. Looke pretty nice.
Bah, Mod of the Month... did they get lazy or something?:imu:
GG, for being Gamespy network they can do much better...
and their HL logo looks like crap.
ok, so they needed a new design... redoing some pictures just doesn't cut it :/

it really is the same thing, but just alot brighter. I found the old colors alot easier on the eyes, actually
Youre used to the old colors, youve been seeing them for 4 years LOL
It's ok--I can get used to it. However, there are some display problems if you have a minimum font limit. (I don't like people who think their page should have a font size of 6pt.)
bwmaster: hehe, yeah perhaps... but it's still too bright...

a small site with little content can pass as being bright, but not a siite with that much content and text.
It looks a little too bright, and the font is too big on the front page. With its big, friendly text and bright colors, it looks like a site for kids. No offense.
What exactly is wrong with it Ahnteis? I can't see anything...

EDIT: Ahh there it is... I'm blind :cool:
I think it looks fine.
And what do you people want in the way of the redesign? Worked pretty good before, so why fix what isn't broken?
I had no problems with the design before. So what if it was old, it worked well. Now its too bright and all they did was reverse the colours. Snakebyte is right, being on the gamespy network they have a little bit more man power than other sites.

Plus the site is still crazy slow.
Not slow for me...I have cable though so I might be the exception.
Naw I have a very fast setup. But for some reason PHL has always been really slow for me. Not sure y.
phl is slow for everybody \:

and to tell you the truth, I prefer the old, old design back from like 5 years ago.. the initial design.

the one they used on april fool's this year :p
my eyes hurt from the bright colors and the tiny fonts
I definetly liked the old design better, not as painful :p
That is the ugliest site I ever seen. Looks like they hired a 10-year old to redo the site. They are going to be flooded with hate mail.