Phong shader / rim lighting ?


Aug 30, 2004
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How do you implement it in a mod ? Does it require coding ?


edit: and hows it on the performance ?
I don't need a good tutorial how to get it in, just a short description of the process...


edit: anyone out there thats done rim lighting in source ?!
I'm seriously hearing tumbleweeds passing by this forgotten desert.
Bumped for good measure, I have no idea but it dosnt seem to hit preformance that much, Make it a graphics option if thats possible.

-Alex (My real name)
Any game/mod that uses an HDR-ified engine build can use phong. All you need is an edited VMT...

// -- From here down is new stuff which will only be applied if $phong is set to 1 --
	"$phong" "1"
	"$phongexponenttexture" "models\Humans\as-189/as-189_body_exponent"
	"$phongboost"	"9"
	"$phongfresnelranges"	"[0.04 0.4 1]"


and an exponent map, which is a greyscale image of your model's texture. Black parts are not shiny, lighter parts are. Check out Alyx's Episode One materials for clarification.
Thanks !! :D That was what i needed.
I'll repay you with hippopotamus's and dead babies.


edit: Im not sure about the hippopotamus's, there hard to get.